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As the season of consumption ends, and the purge season begins....

Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

What will YOU do?

I ask as the past weeks have placed me in clients homes struggling
mightily with vast amounts of whatever the vast amounts are. Paper,
unopened mail, clothes, mismatched and out of date linens, left over
cheap decor ditched to a basement.......simply an astounding excess of
unused /unnecessary "stuff'!! My plan for one client is to help her dig
out from a very unmanageable and stressful burden. I plan a dumpster, in
fact! What's your plan, if this applies to you?

Комментарии: 580

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Chill Jan:)

    The bottles just needed to be thrown in the recycling bin - though our direction from the city are that all plastic bottles should be rinsed. When I check the powder room before company comes, if the soap is low, I set the bottle in the cabinet and get out a new one because either it still has some soap (not a teaspoon) or I will rinse it later because it really is not a big deal - not like the two loads of stuff from the storage room that went to the dump in January.

    I actually am allergic to most soaps and buy a special cleanser per my dermatologist, and it is kind of expensive.

    When there are weeks of test prep and papers due... yeah, I don't look under the sink except to check to see if I need to buy TP. Those week, I feel lucky if the vacuuming gets done:)

  • Kathy Yata
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    We like foamy soap and buy the monster jug of plain soap then dilute it. When the current monster jug was nearly empty I got the bright idea to dilute what was left in the monster jug and refill from that so rinsing it and using that last inch of soap. Working extremely well except we thought it was almost gone so already bought another monster jug! Have always done that for liquid laundry soap and shampoo but doesn't work for conditioners for some reason.

    When we cleared 4 grocery bags of unused/empty soaps from the bathroom all went into the trash although the unrinsed bottles are now allowed in recycling. They keep changing the rules, guess I should read the inserts sometimes.

    I use one particular cleanser and open and use a new bottle for several days then balance the old bottle on the new one set in the sink to decant that last annoying 1/2" out. I don't hang around watching as it takes forever to stop glugging out. No problem so far.

    I do have all the time in the world but sometimes it's hard to get going. Setting a timer is good. I like to use the time it takes to boil water or warm up meals in the microwave to do a drawer check, sweep up and such.

    Couple years ago I put full depth shelves in the bottom half of a 4' closet and sorted it out. Happy to report that it remains uncluttered to this day. I will go through it soon as there have to be things in there that that need to go. The kitchen sort done last summer is holding up well too but the office/sewing room isn't doing well.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    It's the amount of surfactants in soap, which is intended to lather a great deal (consumer testing has shown that people are more willing to use and therefore buy soap/shampoo with a creamy slightly silky feel which produces lots of lather) when water is added, that allows for soap/shampoo to still work when diluted. Conditioner on the other hand is pretty similar ingredient-wise to skin lotions, has minimal surfactants because it needs to rinse out (usually) and lather is not expected from this type of product. When conditioner is diluted it is already half strength and thus washes out as intended without leaving behind the slight amount of 'slip' that makes hair easy to comb and soft when touched.

  • suedonim75
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    My spare bedroom was set up as a guest bedroom for my Niece. She is older now and is involved in so many things that she rarely stays over anymore. I got rid of the bed, the comforter and all of the other crap that was in there. Now, I'm setting it up as a small "media room". If I ever have guests there is still a place to sleep, but the room will get more use, and won't be a catch-all for crap.

  • Kathy Yata
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Thanks, have wondered for years why it works that way.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Hahaha - I did too, which led to an interest in cosmetic chemistry.

  • Kathi Steele
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    I have not dropped off, just decided to not sit on my arse in front of the computer!!! Ha!

    I am continuing my increase in activity. I have lost 1 of the pounds I gained! But, my clothes are better. I don't have as many rolls. My "skinny" jeans....I am able to stand and fasten them and wear them, but I think they will fit better in a few pounds. Still, it is an improvement. Pictures to follow tomorrow.

    I have been spending a lot of time with my grand daughter, so I have not been purging too much. My husband and son worked on the basement. Not to my depth, but at least they are making the effort. And frankly, it is not all my doing.

    Jan, when I look at my house, I am not so exhausted. It does not wear me out and I have the energy to tackle things that I have previously just looked at and shook my head. My family has the ability to drain me dry. And I let them. Shame on me!!! I am an enabler in the truest sense. But, I find myself subscribing to the "You must take care of yourself before you can take care of others" motto. And of course there are the recriminations that come with that. I am dealing with those also!!

    So, I've had a lot of sh*t on my plate and let Houzz go on with out me for a bit.

    But, I thought I would check back in to let you know....I am still plugging forwards. And when I think about buying something and when I think about saving or keeping something, the test question is.... "Would you be able to look Jan in the face and justify this?" And, voila! I am able to let go of all the baggage that I have held onto for so long!!

  • Kathy Yata
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    So far I've done a couple of sessions with the vacuum cleaner battling cobwebs in the garage rafters over the laundry area and rehung the 7' long pole over the folding tables as it was just make do before. Getting up to actually clean the appliances now. Predict half my precious rags will be put to good use!

  • Kathy Yata
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    And arm is done even though floor needs another going over. Only took 4 rags to get the dust off front and sides of washer and freezer, get the washer innards free of dust and all 4 sides of the dryer. Other than a stray whisk broom, penny, button and nut no stuff to put where it belonged either.

    Didn't take all this time, been watching Houzz TV for the last hour!

  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Well! A little update here. Spent the last four days "homeless" from a huuuuuuge wind storm and subsequent power outage. Even my favorite hotel was out, so I landed at a sisters home, the other sister was also "powerless".

    Without going into the personality issues in the family....the entire stressful mess, (infrequent/rare here), got me thinking. For weeks, everyone has been purging. The HIDDEN stuff. But the recent past days at the sister? Aurrggghhhh!!!!!!! Everyone has a different level of comfort with "stuff". Some need more, some less. There's the issue of "I love that, that's where it goes!".....but look around you. Picture yourself a guest, in your OWN space, or better yet, your devoted to guests space.

    A miracle happened last night and I got my power back. I bolted from the sister, because my nerves were SHOT. I was exhausted from the effort of minimizing my "footprint" in a place that has not one surface that allows one some space. I was literally losing things in the visual "decoration' . Not a table top, shelf........clear.

    Can't speak for others, but will say............look around : ) Look around. While it need not be your burden to please others, a couple clear surfaces is a nice thing indeed.

  • ladma
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Jan, I was concerned about your power issues. Both my SIL are still out. RG&E told them Tuesday.
    My visual stuff is in good shape, it's the hidden I've been working on.
    I love your motivational KITAs
    JAN MOYER поблагодарил(а): ladma
  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Yes, for some folks it is still an ongoing RGE nightmare. Trucks from all parts of two countries......and not enough power poles!!! Believe it! I just peeked out and finally see trucks on the next street over. You better pray for the SIL.....BIG snow coming Tuesday : (

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Throughout your ordeal you still managed to post good advice:) A true Houzz Pro.

    I hope things get back to normal soon. It is difficult to have your routine destroyed, lose privacy and all without notice.

    Several years ago we got stuck at my MIL house for extra days when our flight home was canceled and being spring break, no flights were available for 2 days. My usually mild mannered oldest daughter threw a hissy fit and I knew why, but could not explain to MIL.

    MIL's home though structurally sound and surface clean has not been painted (interior) for 50 years. There was (and still is) peeling wallpaper, disintegrating carpet, and bare lightbulbs hanging down due to failure to replace old fixtures. Both my husband's brother's wife and myself have offered to help her refresh, but she refuses even though she has plenty of money to do so. BIL wife did make her buy a new bed - and she complains about it still. DH and BIL have tried to get her to take care of things. She says she called painters but they won't bid on the job - I think they can tell she will be a difficult customer. Anyway, my daughter is sensitive to surroundings and could not wait to get back to her own clean home and room and the thought of two more days at Grandma's freaked her out. Me too, but I can hide it.

    If I am going to be out of my own home, I want to be someplace clean and pretty and possibly cozy.

  • goodewyfe
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    glschliser mentioned donating beanie babies to a Ronald McDonald House. If I had something like a Ronald McDonald House near me, I probably would have donated there. What I did around the holidays was donate a large number of beanie babies to Operation Gratitude, which sends them off to our troops (yes, our troops enjoy them, too; sometimes, they pass them on to children in the area where they are serving) and some beanie babies & a small group of buddies to a group that gives them out to children in emergency situations. I had to mail them to both organizations and that was kind of expensive (it's surprising how heavy a bunch of little stuffed animals can be), but it was worth it to me. The total donation combined was close to 100. I still have a fair number of beanie babies and several of the buddies, but these are ones I love and may not get rid of more for awhile.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    i've been to florida for a week and didnt buy any souvenirs. i expect the jan moyer 'Pat of Approval'. thank you.

    JAN MOYER поблагодарил(а): Judy Mishkin
  • ladma
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Nngirt, are you home now in time for the blizzard?
  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Souvenirs? Oh! You mean that stuff made in China with an alligator or smiling sun, or palm tree on it? Shells anyone??? Want to know the term a couple of my friends and I slapped on this stuff? "Whale S_ _ _ ". !! Yes!

    This is what happened after a trip to Nantucket Ma. decades ago: We spent money on stuff with whales on it. "Isn't this cuuuuute?!" A sweatshirt, a D ring woven belt replete with contrasting whales. Maybe even a hideously expensive handwoven lightship basket. We come home, and this thing looks absurd! We say to ourselves, "why in the world did I buy this?" I wouldn't/can't be caught DEAD in this!

    Subsequent years we adopted " RULE No 1 . "No Whale S _ _ _ purchases allowed!!!" Eat the lobster, the clam chowder, Jared Coffin House blueberry pancakes, the Portuguese bread.. Swim/ body surf in the ocean, and feed your face on out sized ice cream cones. Come home with nothing but a sensational tan, great memories and four extra pounds!!"

    Just say no. What's made in Nantucket , looks fabulous IN Nantucket.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    well, at least the lightship basket was made in nantucket... thats why they are so expensive.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    I dunno, jars of specialty honey that aren't available in stores local to home might end up being a lovely-yet-short-lasting souvenir. :P

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    i was just chatting to a fb friend in rochester...she is still out too. she's been living at weggies. i can't bear that this storm will hammer these poor people again.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    yes, our souvenir buying has traditionally been useful objects. we bought a napkin holder at epcot on our honeymoon and now my daughter uses it at her apartment. its an heirloom!

  • goodewyfe
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Jan Moyer once went to Nantucket

    She said about buying souvenirs, "I'll duck it"!

    She brought nothing home

    Not even from Rome

    Jan learned her lesson in Nantucket!

  • ladma
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Both my SILs in Rochester have power back. They got it this morning.
    A HS classmate of mine now lives on Nantucket and makes those baskets!
  • goodewyfe
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    I have relatives in Syracuse. I hope they are all ok. Brrr!

    PS: I like those Nantucket bucket/basket purses; I just don't see them as very useable as purses/ If I went to Nantucket, I think I'd buy one and use it for something else - maybe as a sewing basket.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    you can buy the lightship baskets NOT made up as purses.

  • Kathy Yata
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Before cell phones and zippy wallets came into my life baskets worked. I rotated between a winter black leather backpack and a summer fishing creel purse for several years. Love baskets but the Nantucketish basket purse I have now hasn't been used for ages. Keeps surviving the cuts though, too cute to get rid of.

    Hot here. 91* coming home from the doctor. Got another cast but allowed to type now.

    Sorted out my rock and shells, very dusty. The rejects are on the rock mulch in the yard so a bit of a treasure hunt for GKs.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    tomorrow im going to be decluttering my yard of unneeded snow.

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    My yard decluttered itself a little today nnigrt. By Wednesday I think it will be better. Of course this is spring break week here.....haha...

    I realize this gardenweb thread was a sincere quest for good storage solutions - hope I did not get snarky in my post - but someone mentioned storing 100 cake pans and another has 9 sets of china - perhaps Jan can head over there and free some people:)


  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    That is a LOT of cake pans. Maybe they can be melted down and made into ammunition should a zombie apocalypse strike and bullets become harder to find? ;)

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    you can never have too many cake pans.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Only if you're going to wear them as armor. :P

  • glschisler
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    They could put the cake pans in their garden, pour beer into them to kill the slugs the eat the plants.
  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Now someone wants to know how to store pyrex and "lots of platters". I already said that one only needs enough storage containers as can fit in the fridge without food getting moldy. I don't entertain enough to need many platters, but I realize that many lead more social lives than I do.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Maybe they like to have their best platters for fancy guests, the 'good but only for family things' platters, and then the 'these are for people I don't care about whether or not they return them or ever bother me again' platters?

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    I just realized the only true platter I have is hanging on the wall as decor. I might have one which matches my china in the cabinet above the fridge - in which case I think I will find another spot on the wall:) My silver tray is on a shelf as "decor" too.

    I don't think I will offer hanging platters over doorways as a storage solution:

    My pics -work in progress: · Еще

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Only would work in a house with many MANY doors. :P

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Hmmm....I do have three doorways in my kitchen. Would definitely be a problem in an open plan home:)

    Ok, its late and I just remembered I have two depression glass platters in my plate rail. I use them once every couple of months when I host book club. I was beginning to panic over my lack of ever using anything but the everyday dishes.

  • Jenn TheCaLLisComingFromInsideTheHouse
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Hahaha - yeah the kids probably aren't going to want their bedroom doorway decorated with a platter. And the bathroom doorway would look silly with a platter over it. :P

    Depression glass is pretty to look at, an ex's parents inherited grandma's HUGE collection of depression glass in every color that it was made in and then decided to add to it when they could find some of the more rare items and colors, they bought it and price was no obstacle. Have to wonder who it will be foisted upon when they die, because their kids and grandchildren (last I knew) have no interest in the stuff. With how much money has gone into it, I suppose whichever person willing to put in the time to get it to an auction house will be able to 'cash it out' for themselves.

  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7
    Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Looks like it will be office declutter today. In the ultimate injury added to insult of the past powerless days........SNOWMEGEDDON!!!! yesterday. Triple the issue with the fact that here at the "Ponderosa", all the snow blowers are apparently out of gas, with no blow of a walkway all day yesterday. I'd guess two feet of the flaky out there. More snow today. I feel a bit cranky.. Do not mess with me today : ( lol Perhaps I will write a letter to the nutcases with 100 cake pans, and nine sets of china.

  • Judy Mishkin
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    we got 8" of snow and several inches of ice instead of the 18" of snow predicted. looks a bit like the mt. washington observatory in my yard.

  • jhmarie
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Jan - check out this post - Joe says the owner said you were the original designer:)


  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7


    " LOL!!!!!!! Watch out Joe.........watch out. I never go on Garden Web, but there;s a couple folks here who have my back......: )"

  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    PS LADIES............... The scroll is getting too long!!!!!! I am going to post a new thread

    "THE PURGE POST CONSUMPTION CONTINUED!!" Carry on! as we move on

  • PRO
    Diana Bier Interiors, LLC
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Hey Jan, sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations with snow/power outages/ice!! Maybe you should move down to sunny southern New York? You know, the Hamptons, where it's always summer? ;)

    Seriously, though, I was so happy that the weather people were wrong about the blizzard on Tuesday. Yes, it's cold and there's snow on the ground but we thankfully didn't lose power. After the Sandy storm in 2012, Long Island has VERY bad memories! I remember not being able to drive anywhere for all the downed trees blocking the roads, and the utility trucks from all over the country helping to bring the power back.

    I hope you get through this awful March winter and that spring comes in time for Easter.

  • Kariann Hopes
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Indeed, there's snow here in Michigan. Ugh. Seems I remember someone explaining what they did with the children's VHS tapes. I must have 100 of them. Any ideas?

  • Kathi Steele
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    Kariann, I moved the answer to the above post.

  • PRO
    Sweet Surroundings, LLC
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 6
    I would recommend this awesome book. KonMari your homes. too much stuff. I did method myself and found that less is more.
  • jimdeechambers
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 6
    I've gotten a notification that I had responses to a question I submitted. How can I find those responses?
  • miss lindsey (She/Her)
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 6

    Look at your account photo in the top right corner of your phone if you're on your mobile. Tap the green dot, and it will bring you to your notifications. On the desktop version, look for the little bell in the upper right. If it has a green dot, you have notifications. Click it and it will give you a list :)