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Front garden makeover

Warren Bevis
Год(а)/Лет назад: 8
Hi all

Any ideas how to make the front of house more appealing and not just a 70s box!

Комментарии: 8

  • hortonhearsawho2013
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I'd contact a garden design company for some ideas on the frontage as plants and hedging can make a massive difference and add wow factor. I'd also look at changing your garage door to add some of your own personality, we did this on our last house (similar to yours) and it made a world of difference! Also some topairy's or grasses in pots makes the front door welcoming (make them heavy by adding stones to the bottom and this will mean people aren't so likely to help themselves....

  • Warren Bevis
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8
    Many thanks for the feedback - do you have a pic of your garage door or frontage for inspiration please?
  • frandixon
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I lived in Australia for a while and I loved what they did with their front gardens. Try searching in line for pictures which should give some inspiration. As yours is a small front I'm guessing a car length deep by the width of your house I would keep it simple and contemporary, using just a couple of plant types.

  • PRO
    Lace Landscapes
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8
    Последние изменения: Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I do like Jilayne Rickards and Fran Dixon suggestions. Your house is modernist and the planting has to play along. I would just add: do plant Amelanchier lamarkii and fill the rest of the space with Anemanthele lessoniana. Anemanthele lessoniana is the grass that goes really well with Amelanchier tree. So plant these two and this is it. Less is more! You will have a stunning garden! Gardens Illustrated will show up to photograph! Another idea in case you do not like grasses and prefer evergreen shrubs. Since you have a silver birch on a sidewalk, consider planting 3- 4 silver birches in your front garden and underplant them with Lonicera nitida. This is a low maintenance modern classic combination.

  • Warren Bevis
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8
    Thank you to all - the comments are really helpful.

    Can I just check about the tree planting - would you place them along house wall or centralise in middle of the lawn?

    Confused a little about best layout?
  • kazza_hayward
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I think it's lovely but how about some nice large bright pots down the side of the paved section on the right hand side where your front door is, say 5 or so?

  • PRO
    Lace Landscapes
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I would recommend placing a tree slightly off centre. To place the tree in your case ask a friend to be your tree and ask her to stand where you think the tree should be and see if you like it. You can then ask her to move around and find the best place by eye. Do not forget to look from the windows as well!