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glass panel kitchen backsplash versus glass tile kitchen backsplash

Jill Ryzyi
Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

which is more expensive to purchase and install?

Комментарии: 8

  • PRO
    Patricia Colwell Consulting
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    Glass panels are made custom so more expensive if you are good at tiling you can get awesome deals on glass tile and DIY panels are very sleek looking and very contemporary glass tile can be tradional or contemporary depending on how they are installed and grouted.

    Jill Ryzyi поблагодарил(а): Patricia Colwell Consulting
  • miacometlady
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8
    Have you visited a tile store?
  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    I agree with Patricia and would think that glass panels would be more expensive since they are custom. However, I have never had them priced out; it's just a hunch.

  • Jill Ryzyi
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    Thank you very much for your response.

  • htc2015
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 8

    They look fabulous. Any estimates from those who have used it how much more % wise over a contractor tiling? Thanks!

  • gillus
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 7

    When what do I need to consider when looking for a company that makes glass panel as back splash. I know that for painted glass they use different materials. Does any one has any experience with product is more durable?

    What about secure between two glass panels to prevent breakage if there is house shifting ?

  • c b
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 2

    You definitely want tempered/toughen glass particularly over the stove area & some type of fire resistant wall/boarding behind that particular wall. Look at tempered or laminate glass, measure at least 5-6 times including spaces between electrical outlets unless you have the company do all of it for you. Areas not close to heat you can get regular glass with a MM of at least 6 or 1/4 in thickness but 3/8th inch or 10MM better. Good luck!