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countertop depth?

Год(а)/Лет назад: 9
Hi! Lovely kitchen! How deep is the countertop where you put the green egg and grill? I am trying to see if something like that could fit in my patio. Thank you!!
York Pa. outdoor kitchen and pergola. · Еще

Комментарии: 1

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    Год(а)/Лет назад: 9

    Lancaster Pa. Outdoor Kitchen Courtyard · Еще

    York Pa. Project · Еще

    Hi. The depth of the counter is 32", the height is 36". The egg will need to be 16.5" below your counter height if you would like the grid of the grill to align with the standard 36" grilling height. I included another couple of pics showing projects where we installed green eggs for your reference. Thanks.