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Interior frameless glass door

Kim Muller
Год(а)/Лет назад: 9
The door in the photo is what I need in the entrance to our bathroom,,, can you tell me where in Sydney NSW i could buy a door like it.
Thank you
Residence Isle of Capri · Еще

Комментарии: 1

  • PRO
    Central Glass and Aluminium
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 9

    Good morning

    The unit we used is called a Portavent Vitris (this is available through NFK Glazing supplies - http://www.nfk.com.au/Default.aspx?A=ProductSearch&ID=/searchProducts.html. Whilst it is not truly a cavity slider but the builder made it this way - attached is another image of it sliding along the wall - works with toughened or heat strengthened laminate - the other version would be a Tornex cavity slider (http://www.tornex.com.au/) this is a true cavity unit that also allows you to use glass - both can be a DIY installation (by the experienced) but you will need to get someone to assist you with the glass installation (definitely required to be carried out by an experience glazier) - Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else


    Heather (Central Glass and Aluminium - Gold Coast)