Прачечная с желтыми стенами и коричневой столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера
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На фото: маленькая отдельная, прямая прачечная в классическом стиле с деревянной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, черным полом и коричневой столешницей для на участке и в саду

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

Свежая идея для дизайна: отдельная, прямая прачечная среднего размера в классическом стиле с фасадами с декоративным кантом, белыми фасадами, деревянной столешницей, желтыми стенами, темным паркетным полом, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей - отличное фото интерьера

На фото: отдельная, параллельная прачечная среднего размера в классическом стиле с врезной мойкой, фасадами с утопленной филенкой, белыми фасадами, гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, разноцветным полом и коричневой столешницей с

Свежая идея для дизайна: большая отдельная, прямая прачечная в стиле кантри с хозяйственной раковиной, открытыми фасадами, темными деревянными фасадами, деревянной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из ламината, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, бежевым полом и коричневой столешницей - отличное фото интерьера

David Hubler - The laundry room is set for convenience with raised front load appliances and lots of storage and work space.
Свежая идея для дизайна: большая отдельная, угловая прачечная в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами с выступающей филенкой, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, паркетным полом среднего тона, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей - отличное фото интерьера
Свежая идея для дизайна: большая отдельная, угловая прачечная в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами с выступающей филенкой, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, паркетным полом среднего тона, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей - отличное фото интерьера

Interior Directions
Свежая идея для дизайна: маленькая параллельная универсальная комната в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, белым полом и коричневой столешницей для на участке и в саду - отличное фото интерьера
Свежая идея для дизайна: маленькая параллельная универсальная комната в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, белым полом и коричневой столешницей для на участке и в саду - отличное фото интерьера

Galley style laundry room.
На фото: отдельная, параллельная прачечная в стиле кантри с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из винила, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей
На фото: отдельная, параллельная прачечная в стиле кантри с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из винила, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей

Photo Credit: Kris Harley-Jesson
Идея дизайна: параллельная кладовка в стиле кантри с хозяйственной раковиной, фасадами в стиле шейкер, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, желтыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, бежевым полом и коричневой столешницей
Идея дизайна: параллельная кладовка в стиле кантри с хозяйственной раковиной, фасадами в стиле шейкер, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, желтыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, бежевым полом и коричневой столешницей

Идея дизайна: маленькая отдельная, угловая прачечная в стиле фьюжн с фасадами в стиле шейкер, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом и коричневой столешницей для на участке и в саду

A fire in the Utility room devastated the front of this property. Extensive heat and smoke damage was apparent to all rooms.
Пример оригинального дизайна: огромная угловая универсальная комната в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, столешницей из ламината, бежевым фартуком, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, коричневой столешницей, сводчатым потолком, фартуком из дерева, полом из ламината и серым полом
Пример оригинального дизайна: огромная угловая универсальная комната в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, столешницей из ламината, бежевым фартуком, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, коричневой столешницей, сводчатым потолком, фартуком из дерева, полом из ламината и серым полом

A fire in the Utility room devastated the front of this property. Extensive heat and smoke damage was apparent to all rooms.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: огромная угловая универсальная комната в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, столешницей из ламината, бежевым фартуком, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, коричневой столешницей, сводчатым потолком, фартуком из дерева, полом из ламината и серым полом
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: огромная угловая универсальная комната в классическом стиле с накладной мойкой, фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, столешницей из ламината, бежевым фартуком, желтыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, коричневой столешницей, сводчатым потолком, фартуком из дерева, полом из ламината и серым полом

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

This dark, dreary kitchen was large, but not being used well. The family of 7 had outgrown the limited storage and experienced traffic bottlenecks when in the kitchen together. A bright, cheerful and more functional kitchen was desired, as well as a new pantry space.
We gutted the kitchen and closed off the landing through the door to the garage to create a new pantry. A frosted glass pocket door eliminates door swing issues. In the pantry, a small access door opens to the garage so groceries can be loaded easily. Grey wood-look tile was laid everywhere.
We replaced the small window and added a 6’x4’ window, instantly adding tons of natural light. A modern motorized sheer roller shade helps control early morning glare. Three free-floating shelves are to the right of the window for favorite décor and collectables.
White, ceiling-height cabinets surround the room. The full-overlay doors keep the look seamless. Double dishwashers, double ovens and a double refrigerator are essentials for this busy, large family. An induction cooktop was chosen for energy efficiency, child safety, and reliability in cooking. An appliance garage and a mixer lift house the much-used small appliances.
An ice maker and beverage center were added to the side wall cabinet bank. The microwave and TV are hidden but have easy access.
The inspiration for the room was an exclusive glass mosaic tile. The large island is a glossy classic blue. White quartz countertops feature small flecks of silver. Plus, the stainless metal accent was even added to the toe kick!
Upper cabinet, under-cabinet and pendant ambient lighting, all on dimmers, was added and every light (even ceiling lights) is LED for energy efficiency.
White-on-white modern counter stools are easy to clean. Plus, throughout the room, strategically placed USB outlets give tidy charging options.

Galley style laundry room.
На фото: отдельная, параллельная прачечная в стиле кантри с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из винила, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей с
На фото: отдельная, параллельная прачечная в стиле кантри с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, гранитной столешницей, желтыми стенами, полом из винила, коричневым полом и коричневой столешницей с
Прачечная с желтыми стенами и коричневой столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера