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Прачечная с зелеными фасадами и синим полом – фото дизайна интерьера

Welcoming Traditional Design
Welcoming Traditional Design
Distinctive Interior DesignsDistinctive Interior Designs
Стильный дизайн: отдельная, прямая прачечная среднего размера в классическом стиле с фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, деревянной столешницей, серыми стенами, полом из терракотовой плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, синим полом и коричневой столешницей - последний тренд
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Alma Residence
Alma Residence
Architelle Architecture & Interior DesignArchitelle Architecture & Interior Design
Making the best use of existing spaces was the challenge in this project. The laundry has been placed in what once was a porte cochere, an open area with arched openings that provided an undercover place for the carriage to drop the owners at a side door, on its way through to the stables. Interior design by Studio Gorman Photograph by Prue Ruscoe
Best of Houzz 2025: Итоги премии!
Oak Bluff
Oak Bluff
Parker HomesParker Homes
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: отдельная, параллельная прачечная среднего размера в средиземноморском стиле с хозяйственной раковиной, фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, гранитной столешницей, серым фартуком, фартуком из гранита, белыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, синим полом, серой столешницей и деревянным потолком
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.
Welcoming Traditional Design
Welcoming Traditional Design
Distinctive Interior DesignsDistinctive Interior Designs
Идея дизайна: отдельная, прямая прачечная среднего размера в классическом стиле с фасадами в стиле шейкер, зелеными фасадами, деревянной столешницей, серыми стенами, полом из терракотовой плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, синим полом и коричневой столешницей
Key Moss
Key Moss
Haigh ArchitectsHaigh Architects
A lovingly restored Georgian farmhouse in the heart of the Lake District. Our shared aim was to deliver an authentic restoration with high quality interiors, and ingrained sustainable design principles using renewable energy.

Прачечная с зелеными фасадами и синим полом – фото дизайна интерьера