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Коридор с полом из терраццо – фото дизайна интерьера класса люкс

Ferndale: Mid-century four bedroom single story home
Ferndale: Mid-century four bedroom single story home
Muchmore DesignMuchmore Design
A wall of iroko cladding in the hall mirrors the iroko cladding used for the exterior of the building. It also serves the purpose of concealing the entrance to a guest cloakroom. A matte finish, bespoke designed terrazzo style poured resin floor continues from this area into the living spaces. With a background of pale agate grey, flecked with soft brown, black and chalky white it compliments the chestnut tones in the exterior iroko overhangs.
Indian Wells Custom Curved Glass Hallway
Indian Wells Custom Curved Glass Hallway
Lezlie Trujillo Interior DesignLezlie Trujillo Interior Design
Идея дизайна: огромный коридор в современном стиле с бежевыми стенами, полом из терраццо и разноцветным полом
Shades of grey - Corridoio
Shades of grey - Corridoio
Daniele AgostinelliDaniele Agostinelli
На фото: маленький, узкий коридор в современном стиле с белыми стенами и полом из терраццо для на участке и в саду с
Black and White Foyer
Black and White Foyer
Joni Spear Interior DesignJoni Spear Interior Design
Arched doorways and marble floors welcome guests into the formal living room in this 1920's home. The hand painted diamond patterned walls were existing when clients moved in. A statement piece console adds drama to this magnificent foyer. Alise O'Brian photography.
Luxury Home, La Misere, Seychelles
Luxury Home, La Misere, Seychelles
Studio AgeliStudio Ageli
From the very first site visit the vision has been to capture the magnificent view and find ways to frame, surprise and combine it with movement through the building. This has been achieved in a Picturesque way by tantalising and choreographing the viewer’s experience. The public-facing facade is muted with simple rendered panels, large overhanging roofs and a single point of entry, taking inspiration from Katsura Palace in Kyoto, Japan. Upon entering the cavernous and womb-like space the eye is drawn to a framed view of the Indian Ocean while the stair draws one down into the main house. Below, the panoramic vista opens up, book-ended by granitic cliffs, capped with lush tropical forests. At the lower living level, the boundary between interior and veranda blur and the infinity pool seemingly flows into the ocean. Behind the stair, half a level up, the private sleeping quarters are concealed from view. Upstairs at entrance level, is a guest bedroom with en-suite bathroom, laundry, storage room and double garage. In addition, the family play-room on this level enjoys superb views in all directions towards the ocean and back into the house via an internal window. In contrast, the annex is on one level, though it retains all the charm and rigour of its bigger sibling. Internally, the colour and material scheme is minimalist with painted concrete and render forming the backdrop to the occasional, understated touches of steel, timber panelling and terrazzo. Externally, the facade starts as a rusticated rougher render base, becoming refined as it ascends the building. The composition of aluminium windows gives an overall impression of elegance, proportion and beauty. Both internally and externally, the structure is exposed and celebrated.
Appartamento zona Prati, Roma
Appartamento zona Prati, Roma
Un lungo 'tappeto' di piastrelle di graniglia recuperate da altri ambienti enfatizza la linearità della geometria dello spazio ed è messo in evidenza da una serie di corpi illuminanti nascosti in una stretta e continua rientranza nera del soffitto. Una nuova libreria in legno laccato nero impreziosisce la parete di sinistra su cui affacciano le vecchie porte recuperate e ristrutturate dietro le quali trovano posto le camere dei ragazzi. Anche il disegno della libreria mira ad enfatizzare, in particolare con le modulari rientranze lineari ricavate nei montanti verticali, la linearità dell'ambiente. Sul fondo si apre uno spazio di distribuzione in cui le porte sono inserite in una boiserie che riprende i ricorsi orizzontali della libreria.
Clowes Street Apartment Renovation
Clowes Street Apartment Renovation
Di Bartolo Architects Pty LtdDi Bartolo Architects Pty Ltd
A bespoke apartment renovation that was heavily influenced by mid century design.
Идея дизайна: коридор среднего размера в стиле ретро с полом из терраццо
Tufnell Park
Tufnell Park
Klimstar LtdKlimstar Ltd
This is a fabulous view of the hall with a modern twist (See ceramic tiling) with it's bespoke cupboards and traditional had rail and banisters. Into the sitting room and the simple fireplace surrounds allows the eye to gently wander through the room.. Muz- Real Focus Photography 07507 745 655
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
AS•ST | ServicetechnikAS•ST | Servicetechnik
Auf vorhandenem Putz ist eine Spachteltechnik und Verzierungen durch Naturstein-Verblendern. Dies wurde im Nachgang in Weiß beschichtet. Treppenstufen und Handlauf sind im natürlichen Farbton mit Lasur (Klarlack auf Acrylbasis) bearbeitet. Treppenwangen und Streben sind mit Seidenglanz Latex überarbeitet worden. So bekam das gesamte Treppenhaus einen modernen, dennoch klassisch stilvollen Charakter.
Vaneau, Paris
Vaneau, Paris
Sevaux ArchitectureSevaux Architecture
Laurent Valette
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: коридор среднего размера в современном стиле с красными стенами, полом из терраццо и бежевым полом
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: коридор в средиземноморском стиле с полом из терраццо и серым полом
Appartamento zona Prati, Roma
Appartamento zona Prati, Roma
Lo spazio di distribuzione cui si accede tramite il corridoio è rivestito da una boiserie bianca caratterizzata da ricorsi orizzontali che creano una serie di scuri che dominano sui sottili tagli verticali che celano le porte identificabili principalmente dai piccoli pomi squadrati realizzati in ottone su disegno. L'illuminazione ed il pavimento richiamano quella del corridoio. Anche in questo ambiente è centrale il colloquio tra classicità del contesto e contemporaneità dell'intervento.
Luxury Home, La Misere, Seychelles
Luxury Home, La Misere, Seychelles
Studio AgeliStudio Ageli
From the very first site visit the vision has been to capture the magnificent view and find ways to frame, surprise and combine it with movement through the building. This has been achieved in a Picturesque way by tantalising and choreographing the viewer’s experience. The public-facing facade is muted with simple rendered panels, large overhanging roofs and a single point of entry, taking inspiration from Katsura Palace in Kyoto, Japan. Upon entering the cavernous and womb-like space the eye is drawn to a framed view of the Indian Ocean while the stair draws one down into the main house. Below, the panoramic vista opens up, book-ended by granitic cliffs, capped with lush tropical forests. At the lower living level, the boundary between interior and veranda blur and the infinity pool seemingly flows into the ocean. Behind the stair, half a level up, the private sleeping quarters are concealed from view. Upstairs at entrance level, is a guest bedroom with en-suite bathroom, laundry, storage room and double garage. In addition, the family play-room on this level enjoys superb views in all directions towards the ocean and back into the house via an internal window. In contrast, the annex is on one level, though it retains all the charm and rigour of its bigger sibling. Internally, the colour and material scheme is minimalist with painted concrete and render forming the backdrop to the occasional, understated touches of steel, timber panelling and terrazzo. Externally, the facade starts as a rusticated rougher render base, becoming refined as it ascends the building. The composition of aluminium windows gives an overall impression of elegance, proportion and beauty. Both internally and externally, the structure is exposed and celebrated.
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
AS•ST | ServicetechnikAS•ST | Servicetechnik
Auf vorhandenem Putz ist eine Spachteltechnik und Verzierungen durch Naturstein-Verblendern. Dies wurde im Nachgang in Weiß beschichtet. Treppenstufen und Handlauf sind im natürlichen Farbton mit Lasur (Klarlack auf Acrylbasis) bearbeitet. Treppenwangen und Streben sind mit Seidenglanz Latex überarbeitet worden. So bekam das gesamte Treppenhaus einen modernen, dennoch klassisch stilvollen Charakter.
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
AS•ST | ServicetechnikAS•ST | Servicetechnik
Auf vorhandenem Putz ist eine Spachteltechnik und Verzierungen durch Naturstein-Verblendern. Dies wurde im Nachgang in Weiß beschichtet. Treppenstufen und Handlauf sind im natürlichen Farbton mit Lasur (Klarlack auf Acrylbasis) bearbeitet. Treppenwangen und Streben sind mit Seidenglanz Latex überarbeitet worden. So bekam das gesamte Treppenhaus einen modernen, dennoch klassisch stilvollen Charakter.
Shades of grey - Corridoio
Shades of grey - Corridoio
Daniele AgostinelliDaniele Agostinelli
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: маленький коридор в современном стиле с белыми стенами и полом из терраццо для на участке и в саду
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
Innenausbau Treppenhaus (amerikanische Bauweise)
AS•ST | ServicetechnikAS•ST | Servicetechnik
Auf vorhandenem Putz ist eine Spachteltechnik und Verzierungen durch Naturstein-Verblendern. Dies wurde im Nachgang in Weiß beschichtet. Treppenstufen und Handlauf sind im natürlichen Farbton mit Lasur (Klarlack auf Acrylbasis) bearbeitet. Treppenwangen und Streben sind mit Seidenglanz Latex überarbeitet worden. So bekam das gesamte Treppenhaus einen modernen, dennoch klassisch stilvollen Charakter.

Коридор с полом из терраццо – фото дизайна интерьера класса люкс