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Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch
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36" Length, 18-1/2" Width, 19-1/2" Height

A bench is a structural organism that must withstand varied and sometimes large dynamic loads, it should be strong enough to handle anything that life has to throw at it, yet not so heavy that it cannot easily be moved from room to room.
To accomplish this I decided to take an engineered approach and build these benches as stressed skin panels. A stressed skin panel is a ridiculously efficient engineered scheme, where all of the structural material is placed where it is in either compression or tension.
I can't begin to tell how pleased we are with the result, these benches are crazy strong, note the photo of an un-upholstered bench with more than a thousand pounds of gravel stacked on top of it! Furthermore this substantial savings in mass is all in the bench top, giving the bench a lower center of gravity, which is always a nice thing. Indeed with about half the weight in the legs, I feel that we have struck the perfect balance, the bench feels very solid but not the least bit top heavy. We keep a 47-inch bench at the foot of our bed that gets pressed into service at the dining table every saturday night.
  • And Those Legs!
  • Supported by a set of four 16" angled Spiral Cone Legs.
These legs are made of 1/4" cold steel round bar, formed and welded into a spiral cone, ending at a 1-1/2" diameter solid steel ball, Very strong legs.
A husband and wife team, Everything here is made of our own design, with our own hands, in our home shop.

Modern Upholstered Bench from Spiral Cone Legs, Grey Tweed, 36-Inch

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    • Product Description
    • Product Specifications
    • Shipping and Returns
    36" Length, 18-1/2" Width, 19-1/2" Height

    A bench is a structural organism that must withstand varied and sometimes large dynamic loads, it should be strong enough to handle anything that life has to throw at it, yet not so heavy that it cannot easily be moved from room to room.
    To accomplish this I decided to take an engineered approach and build these benches as stressed skin panels. A stressed skin panel is a ridiculously efficient engineered scheme, where all of the structural material is placed where it is in either compression or tension.
    I can't begin to tell how pleased we are with the result, these benches are crazy strong, note the photo of an un-upholstered bench with more than a thousand pounds of gravel stacked on top of it! Furthermore this substantial savings in mass is all in the bench top, giving the bench a lower center of gravity, which is always a nice thing. Indeed with about half the weight in the legs, I feel that we have struck the perfect balance, the bench feels very solid but not the least bit top heavy. We keep a 47-inch bench at the foot of our bed that gets pressed into service at the dining table every saturday night.
    • And Those Legs!
    • Supported by a set of four 16" angled Spiral Cone Legs.
    These legs are made of 1/4" cold steel round bar, formed and welded into a spiral cone, ending at a 1-1/2" diameter solid steel ball, Very strong legs.
    A husband and wife team, Everything here is made of our own design, with our own hands, in our home shop.

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