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Пример оригинального дизайна: кухня в современном стиле

View Haus 5

View Haus 5 is an innovative approach to infill development on a narrow site. All homes were designed to Passivhaus standards and one of them has been certified. In response to the site's topography the townhouses are terraced in a single structure. A common walkway connects the site from 25th Avenue E to the alley widening at the center of the site to form a common courtyard. The courtyard is terraced to separate home entries in section from the surface of the courtyard. Decks created to be similar to front porches border the courtyard along with thoughtful landscaping. The massing is modulated to create a structure that is well-scaled to its surroundings. Parking is minimized on the site through its location at the rear alley and setting it below the structure. To minimize impact on adjacent sites, a single enclosed stair penthouse is located at the center of the site, integrated with the design's approach to interlocking masses of varying materials. The exterior materials includes reclaimed brick and wood, ebonized wood and painted cement board panels.