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Forza Projects
Forza Projects
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Vantage House

Valcucine have created a unit with a new ergonomic and functional approach that makes it possible to exploit the entire contents of extra-deep base units. When shut, the large door conceals the equipped back section, which is accessorised to meet the user’s requirements with sections dedicated to organising the kitchen. The door can be customised to suit one’s taste and automatically slides silently upwards with the wave of a hand in front of the V-Motion sensor. A light panel is revealed behind it that increases visibility in the worktop area and conveys a wonderful feeling of space and wellbeing to the entire food preparation area. Tall Tower Units with Receding Doors The doors open and push into pockets to reveal the practicality of a large storage space. A luminous back panel reveals the contents of these cabinets while aiding the user in any activity. As well as storing kitchen utensils and small appliances, the handy inside compartment can be fitted with a telescopic stainless-steel worktop surface that can be used for food preparation. The tower units can be fitted out to suit the user’s requirements and can even accommodate ovens.
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Dries Tromp добавил(а) это в Dries' Ideas23 апреля 2021 г.

Sleek Beth would like a lighter color