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Paradise Tiny Homes LLC
Paradise Tiny Homes LLC
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 3 Смотреть профиль

The Oasis Tiny Home Bathroom- Blue Tile Shower

This contemporary, costal Tiny Home features a bathroom with a shower built out over the tongue of the trailer it sits on saving space and creating space in the bathroom. This shower has it's own clear roofing giving the shower a skylight. This allows tons of light to shine in on the beautiful blue tiles that shape this corner shower. Stainless steel planters hold ferns giving the shower an outdoor feel. With sunlight, plants, and a rain shower head above the shower, it is just like an outdoor shower only with more convenience and privacy. The curved glass shower door gives the whole tiny home bathroom a bigger feel while letting light shine through to the rest of the bathroom. The blue tile shower has niches; built-in shower shelves to save space making your shower experience even better.