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Свежая идея для дизайна: бассейн в современном стиле - отличное фото интерьера
Wagner Hodgson
Wagner Hodgson
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 11 Смотреть профиль

Taber Hill Residence

Taber Hill Residence Stowe, Vermont Working closely with the client, the design goal for the entire site was to provide structure while maintaining an air of informality. The Entry Garden provides a sense of arrival with a circular crushed stone drive and broad generous stone steps to the front door. In the rear of the property a pool house and arbor were added to act as a central gathering place and to provide service for the pool and terraces. A sky-blue pool and bluestone terrace were sited on axis with a large deck to create a seamless living space at the rear of the house. The pool was elongated to provide foreground to the broad dramatic view of the mountains beyond. Perennial planting surrounds a large portion of the pool providing an intimate setting. Image Credit: Carolyn Bates Photography
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lkamerillo добавил(а) это в Wish List8 декабря 2020 г.

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