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На фото: кабинет в современном стиле с серыми стенами и серым полом с
Benning Design Construction
Benning Design Construction
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Star Wars Home Office

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… A returning client wished to create an office environment that would refuel his childhood and current passion: Star Wars. Creating exhibit-style surroundings to incorporate iconic elements from the epic franchise was key to the success for this home office. A life-sized statue of Harrison Ford’s character Han Solo, a longstanding piece of the homeowner’s collection, is now featured in a custom glass display case is the room’s focal point. The glowing backlit pattern behind the statue is a reference to the floor design shown in the scene featuring Han being frozen in carbonite. The command center is surrounded by iconic patterns custom-designed in backlit laser-cut metal panels. The exquisite millwork around the room was refinished, and porcelain floor slabs were cut in a pattern to resemble the chess table found on the legendary spaceship Millennium Falcon. A metal-clad fireplace with a hidden television mounting system, an iridescent ceiling treatment, wall coverings designed to add depth, a custom-designed desk made by a local artist, and an Italian rocker chair that appears to be from a galaxy, far, far, away... are all design elements that complete this once-in-a-galaxy home office that would make any Jedi proud. Photo Credit: David Duncan Livingston
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Елена Амбросимова добавил(а) это в Задача дизайнеру: 6 внезапных пожеланий клиента26 сентября 2019 г.

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Yvonne Rosenbaum добавил(а) это в Yunus12 февраля 2023 г.

Han Solo