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Санузел с розовой плиткой и зеленой столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера

Project Earlsfield: Bathroom
Project Earlsfield: Bathroom
Cor DomiCor Domi
The floating vanity in this en-suit bathroom was finished in a vibrant green to add a flash of colour and personality.
Стильный дизайн: маленькая главная ванная комната в современном стиле с плоскими фасадами, зелеными фасадами, открытым душем, унитазом-моноблоком, розовой плиткой, керамической плиткой, полом из керамической плитки, монолитной раковиной, серым полом, открытым душем, зеленой столешницей, тумбой под одну раковину и подвесной тумбой для на участке и в саду - последний тренд
Olympia Home Remodel
Olympia Home Remodel
Sparrow Design CompanySparrow Design Company
We transformed a nondescript bathroom from the 1980s, with linoleum and a soffit over the dated vanity into a retro-eclectic oasis for the family and their guests.
Sandown Rd
Sandown Rd
Aesir Construction LimitedAesir Construction Limited
На фото: детская ванная комната среднего размера в скандинавском стиле с накладной ванной, душем над ванной, инсталляцией, розовой плиткой, керамической плиткой, бетонным полом, подвесной раковиной, столешницей из бетона, серым полом, зеленой столешницей и тумбой под две раковины с
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Meredith LeeMeredith Lee
Pink, aqua and purple are colours they both love, and had already been incorporated into their existing decor, so we used those colours as the starting point and went from there. In the bathroom, the Victorian walls are high and the natural light levels low. The many small rooms were demolished and one larger open plan space created. The pink terrazzo tiling unites the room and makes the bathroom space feel more inviting and less cavernous. ‘Fins’ are used to define the functional spaces (toilet, laundry, vanity, shower). They also provide an architectural detail to tie in the Victorian window and ceiling heights with the 80s extension that is just a step outside the bathroom.
iT.15 - L&V, a contemporary italian interior
iT.15 - L&V, a contemporary italian interior
Andrea Pezzi ArchitettiAndrea Pezzi Architetti
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: главная ванная комната среднего размера в средиземноморском стиле с фасадами с декоративным кантом, зелеными фасадами, душем без бортиков, инсталляцией, розовой плиткой, плиткой из листового камня, белыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, настольной раковиной, столешницей из дерева, серым полом, душем с раздвижными дверями и зеленой столешницей
Children’s Bathroom
Children’s Bathroom
RNL EnterprisesRNL Enterprises
Bright and fun bathroom to wake up to!
На фото: большая детская ванная комната в современном стиле с плоскими фасадами, зелеными фасадами, отдельно стоящей ванной, душем без бортиков, инсталляцией, розовой плиткой, керамической плиткой, белыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, подвесной раковиной, столешницей из ламината, серым полом, открытым душем, зеленой столешницей, акцентной стеной, тумбой под две раковины и подвесной тумбой с
Olympia Home Remodel
Olympia Home Remodel
Sparrow Design CompanySparrow Design Company
We transformed a nondescript bathroom from the 1980s, with linoleum and a soffit over the dated vanity into a retro-eclectic oasis for the family and their guests.
Olympia Home Remodel Before + After
Olympia Home Remodel Before + After
Sparrow Design CompanySparrow Design Company
We transformed a nondescript bathroom from the 1980s, with linoleum and a soffit over the dated vanity into a retro-eclectic oasis for the family and their guests.
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Meredith LeeMeredith Lee
Pink, aqua and purple are colours they both love, and had already been incorporated into their existing decor, so we used those colours as the starting point and went from there. In the bathroom, the Victorian walls are high and the natural light levels low. The many small rooms were demolished and one larger open plan space created. The pink terrazzo tiling unites the room and makes the bathroom space feel more inviting and less cavernous. ‘Fins’ are used to define the functional spaces (toilet, laundry, vanity, shower). They also provide an architectural detail to tie in the Victorian window and ceiling heights with the 80s extension that is just a step outside the bathroom.
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Meredith LeeMeredith Lee
Pink, aqua and purple are colours they both love, and had already been incorporated into their existing decor, so we used those colours as the starting point and went from there. In the bathroom, the Victorian walls are high and the natural light levels low. The many small rooms were demolished and one larger open plan space created. The pink terrazzo tiling unites the room and makes the bathroom space feel more inviting and less cavernous. ‘Fins’ are used to define the functional spaces (toilet, laundry, vanity, shower). They also provide an architectural detail to tie in the Victorian window and ceiling heights with the 80s extension that is just a step outside the bathroom.
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Fitzroy Bathroom and Dressing Room
Meredith LeeMeredith Lee
Pink, aqua and purple are colours they both love, and had already been incorporated into their existing decor, so we used those colours as the starting point and went from there. In the bathroom, the Victorian walls are high and the natural light levels low. The many small rooms were demolished and one larger open plan space created. The pink terrazzo tiling unites the room and makes the bathroom space feel more inviting and less cavernous. ‘Fins’ are used to define the functional spaces (toilet, laundry, vanity, shower). They also provide an architectural detail to tie in the Victorian window and ceiling heights with the 80s extension that is just a step outside the bathroom.

Санузел с розовой плиткой и зеленой столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера