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M & J Construction
M & J Construction
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Rustic Powder Room

This is the inside of the 1/2 bath (powder room). The flooring is pebble flooring. The vanity was made from a white cedar that was harvested from Montana which we carved out the back for the plumbing pipes and a place for the touch-less faucet battery pack. For the counter top we used 2 pieces of 3" wood slabs and glued together (face of top still has the bark on). We poured an epoxy on the counter to keep it protected from water. The stone sink you see here was purchased in Las Vegas, NV. and had shipped to Minnesota. The faucet that is shown is a Jason Wu touch-less faucet. For the mirror we cut from the top of the base and carved out the center and also finished with an epoxy. The horse head the wood rope mirror is hung on is actually a coat hook. Notice the little tech gadget located under the hanging chicken wire light... it is a combination outlet and USB port for charging your phones, etc. For the ceiling we used half logs spaced every 1 1/2 feet (which is open) with up lighting. The light switch that is installed is motion activated and will automatically turn off after 15 min. of non-use and will notify you with a soft chirping sound. On one of the walls we applied 2" wood planks (with bark) and cemented in between the voids. We then applied a polyurethane on the wood planks.
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Henne Farm добавил(а) это в Henne's ideas25 марта 2020 г.

Thinking of the horse yolk in Pacific Creek - turn into a mirror??