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Прачечная с желтым полом и разноцветной столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера

Soothing, High Contrast, Master Bathroom & Laundry
Soothing, High Contrast, Master Bathroom & Laundry
emma delonemma delon
Marilyn Peryer Style House 2014
Стильный дизайн: маленькая кладовка в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с открытыми фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, полом из бамбука, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, желтым полом, разноцветной столешницей и бежевыми стенами для на участке и в саду - последний тренд
Caulfield renovation & additions
Caulfield renovation & additions
Style Precinct Interior Design & DecorationStyle Precinct Interior Design & Decoration
Luxury look laundry interior design adjoining the kitchen space will be a joy to perform the daily chores for family needs. the compact space fits a lot in, with underbench machines, overhead ironing clothes rack cabinetry, compact sink, generous overhead cabinetry, tall broom cupboard and built in fold up ironing station. The interior design style is streamlined and modern for an elegant and timeless look.
Caulfield renovation & additions
Caulfield renovation & additions
Style Precinct Interior Design & DecorationStyle Precinct Interior Design & Decoration
Luxury look laundry interior design adjoining the kitchen space will be a joy to perform the daily chores for family needs. the compact space fits a lot in, with underbench machines, overhead ironing clothes rack cabinetry, compact sink, generous overhead cabinetry, tall broom cupboard and built in fold up ironing station. The interior design style is streamlined and modern for an elegant and timeless look.
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Прачечная с желтым полом и разноцветной столешницей – фото дизайна интерьера