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Прачечная с столешницей из ламината и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера

Brooklin Laundry
Brooklin Laundry
Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.
Black & White Laundry Room: Transformed from an unfinished windowless basement corner to a bright and airy space.
На фото: отдельная прачечная среднего размера в стиле кантри с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и потолком из вагонки
Rose Manor
Rose Manor
Elegant in DesignElegant in Design
The brief for this grand old Taringa residence was to blur the line between old and new. We renovated the 1910 Queenslander, restoring the enclosed front sleep-out to the original balcony and designing a new split staircase as a nod to tradition, while retaining functionality to access the tiered front yard. We added a rear extension consisting of a new master bedroom suite, larger kitchen, and family room leading to a deck that overlooks a leafy surround. A new laundry and utility rooms were added providing an abundance of purposeful storage including a laundry chute connecting them. Selection of materials, finishes and fixtures were thoughtfully considered so as to honour the history while providing modern functionality. Colour was integral to the design giving a contemporary twist on traditional colours.
Murphys Road - Living and Kitchen
Murphys Road - Living and Kitchen
Alex Fulton DesignAlex Fulton Design
Murphys Road is a renovation in a 1906 Villa designed to compliment the old features with new and modern twist. Innovative colours and design concepts are used to enhance spaces and compliant family living. This award winning space has been featured in magazines and websites all around the world. It has been heralded for it's use of colour and design in inventive and inspiring ways. Designed by New Zealand Designer, Alex Fulton of Alex Fulton Design Photographed by Duncan Innes for Homestyle Magazine
Brooklin Laundry
Brooklin Laundry
Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.
Black & White Laundry Room: Transformed from an unfinished windowless basement corner to a bright and airy space.
Свежая идея для дизайна: отдельная прачечная среднего размера в стиле кантри с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и потолком из вагонки - отличное фото интерьера
Brooklin Laundry
Brooklin Laundry
Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.
Black & White Laundry Room: Transformed from an unfinished windowless basement corner to a bright and airy space.
Стильный дизайн: отдельная прачечная среднего размера в стиле кантри с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и потолком из вагонки - последний тренд
Murphys Road - Living and Kitchen
Murphys Road - Living and Kitchen
Alex Fulton DesignAlex Fulton Design
Murphys Road is a renovation in a 1906 Villa designed to compliment the old features with new and modern twist. Innovative colours and design concepts are used to enhance spaces and compliant family living. This award winning space has been featured in magazines and websites all around the world. It has been heralded for it's use of colour and design in inventive and inspiring ways. Designed by New Zealand Designer, Alex Fulton of Alex Fulton Design Photographed by Duncan Innes for Homestyle Magazine
Brooklin Laundry
Brooklin Laundry
Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.
Black & White Laundry Room: Transformed from an unfinished windowless basement corner to a bright and airy space.
На фото: отдельная прачечная среднего размера в стиле кантри с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и потолком из вагонки с
Brooklin Laundry
Brooklin Laundry
Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.Endless Ideas Interiors Inc.
Black & White Laundry Room: Transformed from an unfinished windowless basement corner to a bright and airy space.
На фото: отдельная прачечная среднего размера в стиле кантри с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, столешницей из ламината, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и потолком из вагонки

Прачечная с столешницей из ламината и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера