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Прачечная с стеклянными фасадами и зелеными фасадами – фото дизайна интерьера

Laundry & Cannine Shower Room
Laundry & Cannine Shower Room
Feri Design LLCFeri Design LLC
The wash room is always a great place to wash and clean our most loyal friends. If your dog is larger, keeping your wash station on the floor is a smarter idea. You can create more floor space by taking advantage of height by using stack washer/dryer units instead of having side by side machines. Then you’ll have more room to lay out a shower pan that fits your available space and your dog. If you have a small friend, we recommend you to keep the washing station high for your comfort so you will not have lean down. We designed a project for our great friends. You can find practical solutions for your homes with us.
Contemporary Laundry Room
Contemporary Laundry Room
На фото: прямая универсальная комната в современном стиле с врезной мойкой, стеклянными фасадами, зелеными фасадами, белыми стенами, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом и белой столешницей с
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Прачечная с стеклянными фасадами и зелеными фасадами – фото дизайна интерьера