Прачечная с с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера
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With the original, unfinished laundry room located in the enclosed porch with plywood subflooring and bare shiplap on the walls, our client was ready for a change.
To create a functional size laundry/utility room, Blackline Renovations repurposed part of the enclosed porch and slightly expanded into the original kitchen footprint. With a small space to work with, form and function was paramount. Blackline Renovations’ creative solution involved carefully designing an efficient layout with accessible storage. The laundry room was thus designed with floor-to-ceiling cabinetry and a stacked washer/dryer to provide enough space for a folding station and drying area. The lower cabinet beneath the drying area was even customized to conceal and store a cat litter box. Every square inch was wisely utilized to maximize this small space.

A contemporary holiday home located on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula featuring rammed earth walls, timber lined ceilings and flagstone floors. This home incorporates strong, natural elements and the joinery throughout features custom, stained oak timber cabinetry and natural limestone benchtops. With a nod to the mid century modern era and a balance of natural, warm elements this home displays a uniquely Australian design style. This home is a cocoon like sanctuary for rejuvenation and relaxation with all the modern conveniences one could wish for thoughtfully integrated.

Well, it's finally completed and the final photo shoot is done. ⠀
It's such an amazing feeling when our clients are ecstatic with the final outcome. What started out as an unfinished, rough-in only room has turned into an amazing "spa-throom" and boutique hotel ensuite bathroom.⠀
We are over-the-moon proud to be able to give our clients a new space, for many generations to come. ⠀
*PS, the entire family will be at home for the weekend to enjoy it too...⠀

Murphys Road is a renovation in a 1906 Villa designed to compliment the old features with new and modern twist. Innovative colours and design concepts are used to enhance spaces and compliant family living. This award winning space has been featured in magazines and websites all around the world. It has been heralded for it's use of colour and design in inventive and inspiring ways.
Designed by New Zealand Designer, Alex Fulton of Alex Fulton Design
Photographed by Duncan Innes for Homestyle Magazine

Свежая идея для дизайна: маленькая прямая кладовка в современном стиле с стеклянными фасадами, бежевыми стенами, темным паркетным полом, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, коричневым полом, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки для на участке и в саду - отличное фото интерьера

На фото: маленькая отдельная прачечная с разноцветными стенами, полом из фанеры, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, серым полом, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки для на участке и в саду с
На фото: маленькая отдельная прачечная с разноцветными стенами, полом из фанеры, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, серым полом, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки для на участке и в саду с

Murphys Road is a renovation in a 1906 Villa designed to compliment the old features with new and modern twist. Innovative colours and design concepts are used to enhance spaces and compliant family living. This award winning space has been featured in magazines and websites all around the world. It has been heralded for it's use of colour and design in inventive and inspiring ways.
Designed by New Zealand Designer, Alex Fulton of Alex Fulton Design
Photographed by Duncan Innes for Homestyle Magazine

Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: прачечная среднего размера с полом из фанеры, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, серым полом, коричневой столешницей, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: прачечная среднего размера с полом из фанеры, с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине, серым полом, коричневой столешницей, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки
Прачечная с с сушильной машиной на стиральной машине и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера