Прачечная с фартуком из плитки мозаики и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера
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A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: прямая универсальная комната среднего размера в современном стиле с открытыми фасадами, фартуком из плитки мозаики, паркетным полом среднего тона, потолком из вагонки и обоями на стенах
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: прямая универсальная комната среднего размера в современном стиле с открытыми фасадами, фартуком из плитки мозаики, паркетным полом среднего тона, потолком из вагонки и обоями на стенах

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.
Прачечная с фартуком из плитки мозаики и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера