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Прачечная с фартуком из кварцевого агломерата и оранжевым полом – фото дизайна интерьера

New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
Best of Houzz 2025: Итоги премии!
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
New "vintage vibe" Laundry Room for Az Home
Siegler Design Services + INTERIORSSiegler Design Services + INTERIORS
Central core AZ vintage home gets NEW laundry work space room. Floor filled in for washer drain well, all new electrical, plumbing, cabinets, tile and special accent lighting or strong work lighting as needed.

Прачечная с фартуком из кварцевого агломерата и оранжевым полом – фото дизайна интерьера