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Прачечная с бежевым полом и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера

Cottage Classic
Cottage Classic
A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.
The Oscar Flores Modern Design
The Oscar Flores Modern Design
Lifestyle by StadlerLifestyle by Stadler
Идея дизайна: отдельная, угловая прачечная среднего размера в стиле модернизм с накладной мойкой, плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, мраморной столешницей, белыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, бежевым полом, белой столешницей, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: маленькая отдельная, прямая прачечная в стиле модернизм с белыми стенами, паркетным полом среднего тона, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, бежевым полом, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки для на участке и в саду
Best of Houzz 2025: Итоги премии!
Свежая идея для дизайна: универсальная комната среднего размера с белыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, со стиральной машиной с сушилкой, бежевым полом, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки - отличное фото интерьера
十条の家(ウロコ壁が特徴的な自然素材のリノベーション) 株式会社小木野貴光アトリエ一級建築士建築士事務所 https://www.ogino-a.com/
Cottage Classic
Cottage Classic
A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility
Cottage Classic
Cottage Classic
A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.
Cottage Classic
Cottage Classic
A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility
Cottage Classic
Cottage Classic
A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

Прачечная с бежевым полом и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера