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На фото: большой, трехэтажный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в стиле кантри с комбинированной облицовкой, двускатной крышей и крышей из смешанных материалов
Homes by Design
Homes by Design
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 11 Смотреть профиль

Pool and Outdoor Living

This amazing house combines the charm of a farmhouse with the clean lines of a modern or contemporary home. The combination of architectural shingles and metal roof are a perfect compliment to the brick, stone, shingle, and stucco siding. The pool is complimented by an amazing outdoor living space that includes cooking and lounging areas and a secluded spa below ground. Custom concrete planters and retaining walls tie all the areas together.