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На фото: большой, трехэтажный, белый дом в современном стиле с плоской крышей
Bauer Design Group
Bauer Design Group
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 18 Смотреть профиль

On the Boards - Tustin Modern

This is a conceptual rendering of the exterior of a custom contemporary home to be delivered in 2017. Modern homes have many spaces that connect the interior and exterior. Therefore, it is critical that all the design professionals coordinate efforts to produce a cohesive result. Our role was to work with the architect, LD Iverson, and landscape design firm, Summers Murphy, to select exterior colors, lighting, stonework, and windows that would compliment the interior design. Our firm also provides the 3D rendering services for the project.