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TVL Creative Ltd.
TVL Creative Ltd.
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 40 Смотреть профиль

Oak Street Kitchen Renovation

The Oak Street renovation has completely transformed the 70’s era split level home into a sophisticated modern oasis! By extending the kitchen into the existing dining room space, we’re able to maximize functionality and flow between the kitchen and new dining room area. By opening up the wall to create a large pass-through between kitchen and dining, we’ve created the perfect solution to visibly combine all areas and make an ideal design solution for entertaining while providing plenty of seating around the peninsula. High vaulted ceilings exaggerate the ceiling height and work beautifully with the tall cabinetry which brings the down the human scale of vertical space. Slick black Cambria Black quartz countertops and dark metal finishes provide high contrast against the white cabinets and create a high end look. A warm gray stained oak hardwood flooring adds warmth to the space keeping the overall look light and soft. It’s easy to see why this beautiful kitchen transformation has become the heart of the home with a new functional, modern design for the whole family.