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На фото: большая нейтральная детская: освещение в стиле рустика с бежевыми стенами, бетонным полом и серым полом для подростка, двоих детей
Centre Sky Architecture Ltd
Centre Sky Architecture Ltd
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 51 Смотреть профиль

Mountain Peek

Mountain Peek is a custom residence located within the Yellowstone Club in Big Sky, Montana. The layout of the home was heavily influenced by the site. Instead of building up vertically the floor plan reaches out horizontally with slight elevations between different spaces. This allowed for beautiful views from every space and also gave us the ability to play with roof heights for each individual space. Natural stone and rustic wood are accented by steal beams and metal work throughout the home. (photos by Whitney Kamman)
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Katherine добавил(а) это в Truitt House19 ноября 2024 г.

Play area in front of bunk area along wall