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Tom Howley
Tom Howley
Средний рейтинг: 3.7 из 5 звездОтзывов: 9 Смотреть профиль

Modern Grey Kitchen

This modern grey kitchen is a perfect example of how a classic style can be used to create a modern industrial kitchen design. Updated with features such as square-cut frames and a smoked oak veneer, this kitchen features top-of-the-range appliances and strong, clean lines to create the industrial look. The unique blend of Marjoram painted perimeter cabinets and the Smoked Oak veneer on the kitchen island creates a stunning industrial grey kitchen that is the ultimate in contemporary style, particularly when coupled with the Snowy Ibiza work surfaces.
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kazbird79 добавил(а) это в Kitchen13 сентября 2019 г.

DISLIKE finish at bottom of unit and next to appliance