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Стильный дизайн: парадная, открытая гостиная комната в современном стиле с бежевыми стенами - последний тренд
Brookfield Residential Colorado
Brookfield Residential Colorado
Средний рейтинг: 2 из 5 звездОтзывов: 3 Смотреть профиль


For those who want more of a good thing, we offer our Tealight 4 plan. This is the only Tealight home design that comes standard with three bedrooms (which can easily become four) plus a loft. You’ll see that the living room, kitchen and other spaces are just a bit more, well, spacious. You may also notice that the master bedroom is placed over the garage. This arrangement not only expands the upstairs, it lets you monitor when your teenager gets home at night. Which is also a good thing.
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Monica Rodriguez добавил(а) это в Bathrooms30 апреля 2023 г.

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