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Кухня с фасадами с филенкой типа жалюзи и столешницей из цинка – фото дизайна интерьера

Four Mile Ranch
Four Mile Ranch
Reclaimed Wood Creations LLC.Reclaimed Wood Creations LLC.
All the wood used in the remodel of this ranch house in South Central Kansas is reclaimed material. Berry Craig, the owner of Reclaimed Wood Creations Inc. searched the country to find the right woods to make this home a reflection of his abilities and a work of art. It started as a 50 year old metal building on a ranch, and was striped down to the red iron structure and completely transformed. It showcases his talent of turning a dream into a reality when it comes to anything wood. Show him a picture of what you would like and he can make it!

Кухня с фасадами с филенкой типа жалюзи и столешницей из цинка – фото дизайна интерьера