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Красивые разноцветные дома с белой крышей – 118 фото фасадов

Laurel Way Beverly Hills luxury modern mansion glass wall exterior & front entra
Laurel Way Beverly Hills luxury modern mansion glass wall exterior & front entra
Whipple Russell ArchitectsWhipple Russell Architects
Laurel Way Beverly Hills luxury modern mansion glass wall exterior & front entrance water & fire feature. Photo by William MacCollum.
На фото: большой, трехэтажный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в стиле модернизм с комбинированной облицовкой, плоской крышей, белой крышей и входной группой
Modern Contemporary Villa
Modern Contemporary Villa
Modern Contemporary Villa exterior with black aluminum tempered full pane windows and doors, that brings in natural lighting. Featuring contrasting textures on the exterior with stucco, limestone and teak. Cans and black exterior sconces to bring light to exterior. Landscaping with beautiful hedge bushes, arborvitae trees, fresh sod and japanese cherry blossom. 4 car garage seen at right and concrete 25 car driveway. Custom treated lumber retention wall.
Wolf-Huang House on Lake Orange
Wolf-Huang House on Lake Orange
Arielle C. Schechter, AIAArielle C. Schechter, AIA
The front entry is accented by vertical slats of Thermory wood framing the kitchen backsplash windows and the modern front door.
На фото: одноэтажный, разноцветный частный загородный дом среднего размера в стиле модернизм с комбинированной облицовкой и белой крышей
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niguel west mid-century modern
niguel west mid-century modern
Moss Yaw Design studioMoss Yaw Design studio
aerial perspective at hillside site
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: деревянный, разноцветный частный загородный дом среднего размера в стиле ретро с разными уровнями, плоской крышей, крышей из смешанных материалов и белой крышей
Holland Hills
Holland Hills
Lindon Homes Pty LtdLindon Homes Pty Ltd
Modern three level home with large timber look window screes an random stone cladding.
Стильный дизайн: большой, разноцветный, трехэтажный частный загородный дом в современном стиле с облицовкой из камня, плоской крышей и белой крышей - последний тренд
Woodhaven Modern
Woodhaven Modern
Flavin ArchitectsFlavin Architects
Our clients wanted to replace an existing suburban home with a modern house at the same Lexington address where they had lived for years. The structure the clients envisioned would complement their lives and integrate the interior of the home with the natural environment of their generous property. The sleek, angular home is still a respectful neighbor, especially in the evening, when warm light emanates from the expansive transparencies used to open the house to its surroundings. The home re-envisions the suburban neighborhood in which it stands, balancing relationship to the neighborhood with an updated aesthetic. The floor plan is arranged in a “T” shape which includes a two-story wing consisting of individual studies and bedrooms and a single-story common area. The two-story section is arranged with great fluidity between interior and exterior spaces and features generous exterior balconies. A staircase beautifully encased in glass stands as the linchpin between the two areas. The spacious, single-story common area extends from the stairwell and includes a living room and kitchen. A recessed wooden ceiling defines the living room area within the open plan space. Separating common from private spaces has served our clients well. As luck would have it, construction on the house was just finishing up as we entered the Covid lockdown of 2020. Since the studies in the two-story wing were physically and acoustically separate, zoom calls for work could carry on uninterrupted while life happened in the kitchen and living room spaces. The expansive panes of glass, outdoor balconies, and a broad deck along the living room provided our clients with a structured sense of continuity in their lives without compromising their commitment to aesthetically smart and beautiful design.
LB House
LB House
Shane Marsh ArchitectsShane Marsh Architects
На фото: большой, двухэтажный, деревянный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в современном стиле с двускатной крышей, металлической крышей, белой крышей и отделкой планкеном
Certified Luxury Builders - J Paul Builders - Pikesville, MD - Custom Home A
Certified Luxury Builders - J Paul Builders - Pikesville, MD - Custom Home A
Dream Coast BuildersDream Coast Builders
На фото: одноэтажный, большой, деревянный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в современном стиле с плоской крышей, белой крышей и отделкой дранкой
Temporal Echo - Exterior
Temporal Echo - Exterior
DGK ArchitectsDGK Architects
The street elevation, rooted in traditional Art Deco principles, is a manifestation of strong geometrical shapes, bold lines, and orthogonal forms. However, it maintains an air of mystery with a slight reveal, enticing the viewer to contemplate what lies beyond the facade. - DGK Architects
From shadows to sunshine
From shadows to sunshine
New Zealand Certified Builders AssociationNew Zealand Certified Builders Association
A crazy-paved patio using Halswell stone, locally sourced from quake-damaged homes in the region, catches both morning and afternoon sun. On the upper level, the master bedroom’s cathedral ceilings with four-metre raking windows provide stunning views of the Southern Alps, while an aluminium fixed vertical louvre on the exterior provides privacy and creates a point of interest.
Modern Contemporary Villa
Modern Contemporary Villa
Modern Contemporary Villa exterior with black aluminum tempered full pane windows and doors, that brings in natural lighting. Featuring contrasting textures on the exterior with stucco, limestone and teak. Cans and black exterior sconces to bring light to exterior. Landscaping with beautiful hedge bushes, arborvitae trees, fresh sod and japanese cherry blossom. 4 car garage seen at right and concrete 25 car driveway. Custom treated lumber retention wall.
Modern twin villa design Saudi Arabia
Modern twin villa design Saudi Arabia
Modern twin villa design in Saudi Arabia with backyard swimming pool and decorative waterfall fountain. Luxury and rich look with marble and travertine stone finishes. Decorative pool at the fancy entrance group. Detailed design by xzoomproject.
Modern Home - Ann Arbor, MI
Modern Home - Ann Arbor, MI
Renaissance Building, Inc.Renaissance Building, Inc.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большой, трехэтажный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в современном стиле с комбинированной облицовкой, металлической крышей и белой крышей
niguel west mid-century modern
niguel west mid-century modern
Moss Yaw Design studioMoss Yaw Design studio
a board-formed concrete wall accentuated by minimalist landscaping adds architectural interest, while providing for privacy at the exterior entry stair
Winthrop Residence
Winthrop Residence
DGK ArchitectsDGK Architects
The driving force behind this design was the blade wall to the ground floor street elevation, which concealed the house's functionality, leaving an element of mystery whilst featuring decorative patterns within the brickwork. – DGK Architects
Timeless Stylish Fiber Cement
Timeless Stylish Fiber Cement
United Signature TacomaUnited Signature Tacoma
Make a bold style statement with these timeless stylish fiber cement boards in white and mustard accents.
Пример оригинального дизайна: огромный, четырехэтажный, разноцветный многоквартирный дом в стиле модернизм с облицовкой из ЦСП, плоской крышей, крышей из смешанных материалов, белой крышей и отделкой доской с нащельником
Forest Drive exterior remodeling
Forest Drive exterior remodeling
Eisner Design LLCEisner Design LLC
This is an exterior makeover of an old house where the entire facade was changed and became modern architecture. This had not only increased the house value but also fit into Port Washington's contemporary residential scene.
Stunning Exterior Siding Makeover
Stunning Exterior Siding Makeover
TOV Siding and RoofingTOV Siding and Roofing
This project has Cedar channel siding with Hardie reveal siding panels.
На фото: большой, двухэтажный, деревянный, разноцветный многоквартирный дом в современном стиле с плоской крышей, зеленой крышей и белой крышей
Beach House in Southampton, NY
Beach House in Southampton, NY
Alexander Gorlin ArchitectsAlexander Gorlin Architects
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: огромный, двухэтажный, разноцветный частный загородный дом в морском стиле с комбинированной облицовкой, плоской крышей, черепичной крышей, белой крышей и отделкой планкеном

Красивые разноцветные дома с белой крышей – 118 фото фасадов

Watara HomesWatara Homes
Mid-century meets modern – this project demonstrates the potential of a heritage renovation that builds upon the past. The major renovations and extension encourage a strong relationship between the landscape, as part of daily life, and cater to a large family passionate about their neighbourhood and entertaining.