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Красивые многоквартирные дома с черной крышей – 137 фото фасадов

道路側は窓が少なめになっています。 そのため周囲が暗くなると、エントランス部分だけがほんわりと明るくなります。
Идея дизайна: маленький, трехэтажный, черный многоквартирный дом в стиле модернизм с комбинированной облицовкой, двускатной крышей, металлической крышей и черной крышей для на участке и в саду
Residential Condominiums | Conversion + Additions
Residential Condominiums | Conversion + Additions
Tektoniks ArchitectsTektoniks Architects
Additions | Renovations | Condominium Conversion Gloucester, MA Progress Photos: June, 2023 Our 3-Unit residential condominium project in Gloucester, MA is nearing completion. All three units are under agreement, and final interior and exterior touches are underway. Developer: Property Quest Solutions Structural Engineering: Aberjona Engineering Tektoniks Architects T: 617-816-3555
Exterior/Interior Renovations - 5 Stories Buildings at 1-3 Centre St Terrace, MA
Exterior/Interior Renovations - 5 Stories Buildings at 1-3 Centre St Terrace, MA
We completed all carpentry, masonry and painting exterior renovations of the two buildings located at 1-3 Centre Street Terrace, in Roxbury, MA 02119.
Dolce Vita - KOSMAJ
Dolce Vita - KOSMAJ
DISCOVER KOSMAJ - ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND GENTLE MOUNTAINS IN SERBIA, A PROTECTED NATURAL GOOD. IDEAL FOR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN UNTOUCHED NATURE. Enjoy the luxury and comfort of our villas on plots of 10-14 areas, with 96m² of space and a sophisticated exterior. Each villa offers a private pool, parking, landscaped paths, and green oases - your perfect new home awaits! #VillasForSale #PrivatePool #GreenSpace #LuxuryRealEstate #DolceVita #Dusan_Bucalovic #SmartUP
Tadeo 4909
Tadeo 4909
Cafeina DesignCafeina Design
Tadeo 4909 is a building that takes place in a high-growth zone of the city, seeking out to offer an urban, expressive and custom housing. It consists of 8 two-level lofts, each of which is distinct to the others. The area where the building is set is highly chaotic in terms of architectural typologies, textures and colors, so it was therefore chosen to generate a building that would constitute itself as the order within the neighborhood’s chaos. For the facade, three types of screens were used: white, satin and light. This achieved a dynamic design that simultaneously allows the most passage of natural light to the various environments while providing the necessary privacy as required by each of the spaces. Additionally, it was determined to use apparent materials such as concrete and brick, which given their rugged texture contrast with the clearness of the building’s crystal outer structure. Another guiding idea of the project is to provide proactive and ludic spaces of habitation. The spaces’ distribution is variable. The communal areas and one room are located on the main floor, whereas the main room / studio are located in another level – depending on its location within the building this second level may be either upper or lower. In order to achieve a total customization, the closets and the kitchens were exclusively designed. Additionally, tubing and handles in bathrooms as well as the kitchen’s range hoods and lights were designed with utmost attention to detail. Tadeo 4909 is an innovative building that seeks to step out of conventional paradigms, creating spaces that combine industrial aesthetics within an inviting environment.
Mehrfamilienhaus Neu-Wulmstorf
Mehrfamilienhaus Neu-Wulmstorf
Свежая идея для дизайна: двухэтажный, кирпичный, красный многоквартирный дом среднего размера в классическом стиле с двускатной крышей, черепичной крышей и черной крышей - отличное фото интерьера
Multi-Family Hardi Siding
Multi-Family Hardi Siding
BrightStrokes ConstructionBrightStrokes Construction
Framing, Sheeting, Siding, Windows, Gutters
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: двухэтажный, синий многоквартирный дом среднего размера в классическом стиле с облицовкой из ЦСП, двускатной крышей, крышей из гибкой черепицы и черной крышей
Wohnen in der ersten Reihe - Innerstädtische Bebauung im westlichen Münsterland
Wohnen in der ersten Reihe - Innerstädtische Bebauung im westlichen Münsterland
Hilger Architekten, MünsterHilger Architekten, Münster
Dringend benötigter Wohnraum für 11 Mieter im Münsterland. Energetisch hoch gedämmt und energiearm mit Erdwärme beheizt. - Und dazuganz nah am Ortszentrum zur Freude der Bewohner.
5583 Meadow Grass Circle - Condo
5583 Meadow Grass Circle - Condo
Skogman HomesSkogman Homes
Front exterior
Свежая идея для дизайна: одноэтажный, серый многоквартирный дом в классическом стиле с облицовкой из винила, крышей из гибкой черепицы и черной крышей - отличное фото интерьера
Backyard Improvement Project, Fence, Die Tables, Hot Tub Installation
Backyard Improvement Project, Fence, Die Tables, Hot Tub Installation
Kappa Sigma FraternityKappa Sigma Fraternity
Garden gate was constructed in 2 days with one contractor.
Свежая идея для дизайна: одноэтажный, деревянный, зеленый многоквартирный дом среднего размера в стиле кантри с плоской крышей, черепичной крышей, черной крышей и отделкой доской с нащельником - отличное фото интерьера
Eagle Crossing Triplex
Eagle Crossing Triplex
Runa Design Co.Runa Design Co.
Modular Tri-plex design efficiently housing money-smart rental units within one beautiful package. This development strategy allowed for a savvy financial situation without compromising style and functionality.
Belmont Park Estate Development
Belmont Park Estate Development
RAW Architecture + DesignRAW Architecture + Design
New Construction Multi-Family Residential Development in South Florida. Custom Apartment Building design. Plans available for sale.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большой, двухэтажный, белый многоквартирный дом в современном стиле с плоской крышей, крышей из смешанных материалов, черной крышей и отделкой доской с нащельником
Mehrfamilienhaus Neu-Wulmstorf
Mehrfamilienhaus Neu-Wulmstorf
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: двухэтажный, кирпичный, красный многоквартирный дом среднего размера в классическом стиле с двускатной крышей, черепичной крышей и черной крышей
5631 Meadow Grass Circle - Condo
5631 Meadow Grass Circle - Condo
Skogman HomesSkogman Homes
Back exterior
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: одноэтажный, белый многоквартирный дом в стиле модернизм с крышей из гибкой черепицы и черной крышей
Belmont Park Estate Development
Belmont Park Estate Development
RAW Architecture + DesignRAW Architecture + Design
New Construction Multi-Family Residential Development in South Florida. Custom Apartment Building design. Plans available for sale.
Идея дизайна: большой, двухэтажный, белый многоквартирный дом в современном стиле с плоской крышей, крышей из смешанных материалов, черной крышей и отделкой доской с нащельником
Fotografo Immobiliare • Villa Nova
Fotografo Immobiliare • Villa Nova
Ulisse AlbiatiUlisse Albiati
Committente: Studio Immobiliare GR Firenze. Ripresa fotografica: impiego obiettivo 58mm su pieno formato; macchina su treppiedi con allineamento ortogonale dell'inquadratura; impiego luce naturale esistente. Post-produzione: aggiustamenti base immagine; fusione manuale di livelli con differente esposizione per produrre un'immagine ad alto intervallo dinamico ma realistica; rimozione elementi di disturbo. Obiettivo commerciale: realizzazione fotografie di complemento ad annunci su siti web agenzia immobiliare; pubblicità su social network; pubblicità a stampa (principalmente volantini e pieghevoli).
L’agence Stéphane Plaza Immobilier a fait confiance à notre société, pour les travaux de ses locaux situés à Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, rénovation de l’ancien local, agencement des lieux, électricité, plomberie, décoration… Nous avons travaillé sur la totalité de l’agence.
New Build - 6 Flats in Buckinghamshire.
New Build - 6 Flats in Buckinghamshire.
Davey Stone AssociatesDavey Stone Associates
6 New luxury flats rear elevation.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большой, четырехэтажный многоквартирный дом с двускатной крышей, черепичной крышей и черной крышей
Пример оригинального дизайна: коричневый многоквартирный дом в современном стиле с облицовкой из камня, мансардной крышей, черепичной крышей и черной крышей
Seattle Boat House
Seattle Boat House
A uniform and cohesive look adds simplicity to the overall aesthetic, supporting the minimalist design. The A5s is Glo’s slimmest profile, allowing for more glass, less frame, and wider sightlines. The concealed hinge creates a clean interior look while also providing a more energy-efficient air-tight window. The increased performance is also seen in the triple pane glazing used in both series. The windows and doors alike provide a larger continuous thermal break, multiple air seals, high-performance spacers, Low-E glass, and argon filled glazing, with U-values as low as 0.20. Energy efficiency and effortless minimalism create a breathtaking Scandinavian-style remodel.

Красивые многоквартирные дома с черной крышей – 137 фото фасадов