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Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большая терраса на заднем дворе в стиле рустика с местом для костра и навесом
Shelter Associates
Shelter Associates
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 3 Смотреть профиль

Gozzer Ranch - Lot 10

This well-covered deck sitting high above the sloping forest floor is not only the perfect perch for spying he forest critters below, but offers quiet views of Lake Coeur d’Alene. The double-sided fireplace provides cozy evenings off the great room and the master suite. This Gozzer Ranch home was built by general contractor, Matt Fisher under Ginno Construction. Matt is now building luxury custom homes as owner and president of Shelter Associates.
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Gwen Downard добавил(а) это в Idaho12 марта 2021 г.

Railing and fireplace