Гардеробная в стиле ретро с фасадами любого цвета – фото дизайна интерьера
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Alex Vertikoff
Стильный дизайн: парадная гардеробная среднего размера в стиле ретро с стеклянными фасадами, черными фасадами и темным паркетным полом для женщин - последний тренд
Стильный дизайн: парадная гардеробная среднего размера в стиле ретро с стеклянными фасадами, черными фасадами и темным паркетным полом для женщин - последний тренд

Dan Denardo
Пример оригинального дизайна: гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, паркетным полом среднего тона и коричневым полом
Пример оригинального дизайна: гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, паркетным полом среднего тона и коричневым полом

Стильный дизайн: маленькая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с открытыми фасадами, белыми фасадами, полом из винила и коричневым полом для на участке и в саду - последний тренд

Laurie Perez
На фото: большая парадная гардеробная унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами и ковровым покрытием с
На фото: большая парадная гардеробная унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами и ковровым покрытием с

Custom cabinets by Meadowlark are crafted to accommodate the clients storage needs. This remodel was built by Meadowlark Design+Build in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Architect: Dawn Zuber, Studio Z
Photo: Sean Carter

Miniankleide zwischen Küche und Schlafbereich.
На фото: маленькая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с открытыми фасадами, фасадами любого цвета, светлым паркетным полом, белым полом и любым потолком для на участке и в саду
На фото: маленькая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с открытыми фасадами, фасадами любого цвета, светлым паркетным полом, белым полом и любым потолком для на участке и в саду

View of the Dressing Room with the Master Bathroom beyond.
Идея дизайна: маленькая парадная гардеробная в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, светлыми деревянными фасадами, светлым паркетным полом и бежевым полом для на участке и в саду
Идея дизайна: маленькая парадная гардеробная в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, светлыми деревянными фасадами, светлым паркетным полом и бежевым полом для на участке и в саду

Пример оригинального дизайна: большая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с открытыми фасадами, темными деревянными фасадами и ковровым покрытием

This three level closet is the ideal space for the homeowner to store their belongings.
Photo Credit: Shane Organ Photography
Пример оригинального дизайна: гардеробная в стиле ретро с белыми фасадами и ковровым покрытием
Пример оригинального дизайна: гардеробная в стиле ретро с белыми фасадами и ковровым покрытием

На фото: большая парадная гардеробная унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, светлыми деревянными фасадами, полом из сланца и бежевым полом с

This stunning multiroom remodel spans from the kitchen to the bathroom to the main areas and into the closets. Collaborating with Jill Lowe on the design, many beautiful features were added to this home. The bathroom includes a separate tub from the shower and toilet room. In the kitchen, there is an island and many beautiful fixtures to compliment the white cabinets and dark wall color. Throughout the rest of the home new paint and new floors have been added.

@BuildCisco 1-877-BUILD-57
Идея дизайна: большая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с белыми фасадами, паркетным полом среднего тона и коричневым полом
Идея дизайна: большая гардеробная комната унисекс в стиле ретро с белыми фасадами, паркетным полом среднего тона и коричневым полом

Fully Customized Walk-in Closet designed for a lady's needs.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: гардеробная среднего размера в стиле ретро с светлыми деревянными фасадами для женщин
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: гардеробная среднего размера в стиле ретро с светлыми деревянными фасадами для женщин

An underused bedroom adjacent to the main suite gets transformed into a main closet that ties the main bath and bedroom together. Design by Kristyn Bester. Photos by Photo Art Portraits

The Carriage House Guest Suite in the 2015 Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts reflects a mix of midcentury modern and rustic influences.
Photo: Peter Valli

Five stars isn’t enough! Our project was to reconfigure and update the main floor of a house we recently purchased that was built in 1961. We wanted to maintain some of the unique feeling it originally had but bring it up-to-date and eliminate the closed-in rooms and downright weird layout that was the result of multiple, partial remodeling projects. We began with a long wishlist of changes which also required replacement of very antiquated plumbing, electrical wiring and HVAC. We even found a fireplace that had been walled in and needed major re-construction. Many other aspects and details on this incredible list we made included an all new kitchen layout, converting a bedroom into a master closet, adding new half-bath, completely rebuilding the master bath, and adding stone, tile and custom built cabinetry. Our design plans included many fixtures and details that we specified and required professional installation and careful handling. Innovative helped us make reasonable decisions. Their skilled staff took us through a design process that made sense. There were many questions and all were answered with sincere conversation and positive – innovation – on how we could achieve our goals. Innovative provided us with professional consultants, who listened and were courteous and creative, with solid knowledge and informative judgement. When they didn’t have an answer, they did the research. They developed a comprehensive project plan that exceeded our expectations. Every item on our long list was checked-off. All agreed on work was fulfilled and they completed all this in just under four months. Innovative took care of putting together a team of skilled professional specialists who were all dedicated to make everything right. Engineering, construction, supervision, and I cannot even begin to describe how much thanks we have for the demolition crew! Our multiple, detailed project designs from Raul and professional design advice from Mindy and the connections she recommended are all of the best quality. Diego Jr., Trevor and his team kept everything on track and neat and tidy every single day and Diego Sr., Mark, Ismael, Albert, Santiago and team are true craftsmen who follow-up and make the most minuscule woodworking details perfect. The cabinets by Tim and electrical work and installation of fixtures by Kemchan Harrilal-BB and Navindra Doolratram, and Augustine and his crew on tile and stone work – all perfection. Aisling and the office crew were always responsive to our calls and requests. And of course Clark and Eric who oversaw everything and gave us the best of the best! Apologies if we didn’t get everyone on this list – you’re all great! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. We can’t thank you enough Innovative Construction – we kind of want to do it again!
Dave Hallman & Matt DeGraffenreid

Client wanted a closet for the children she will be fostering and needed a system that could be adjusted depending on the age and clothes needs of the child. She needed functionality, adjustability as well as a great looking closet! She provided me with an “inspiration” photo and we worked together from there as a starting point to design the closet she was envisioning.

Пример оригинального дизайна: большая гардеробная комната в стиле ретро с стеклянными фасадами, светлыми деревянными фасадами, ковровым покрытием и серым полом

Five stars isn’t enough! Our project was to reconfigure and update the main floor of a house we recently purchased that was built in 1961. We wanted to maintain some of the unique feeling it originally had but bring it up-to-date and eliminate the closed-in rooms and downright weird layout that was the result of multiple, partial remodeling projects. We began with a long wishlist of changes which also required replacement of very antiquated plumbing, electrical wiring and HVAC. We even found a fireplace that had been walled in and needed major re-construction. Many other aspects and details on this incredible list we made included an all new kitchen layout, converting a bedroom into a master closet, adding new half-bath, completely rebuilding the master bath, and adding stone, tile and custom built cabinetry. Our design plans included many fixtures and details that we specified and required professional installation and careful handling. Innovative helped us make reasonable decisions. Their skilled staff took us through a design process that made sense. There were many questions and all were answered with sincere conversation and positive – innovation – on how we could achieve our goals. Innovative provided us with professional consultants, who listened and were courteous and creative, with solid knowledge and informative judgement. When they didn’t have an answer, they did the research. They developed a comprehensive project plan that exceeded our expectations. Every item on our long list was checked-off. All agreed on work was fulfilled and they completed all this in just under four months. Innovative took care of putting together a team of skilled professional specialists who were all dedicated to make everything right. Engineering, construction, supervision, and I cannot even begin to describe how much thanks we have for the demolition crew! Our multiple, detailed project designs from Raul and professional design advice from Mindy and the connections she recommended are all of the best quality. Diego Jr., Trevor and his team kept everything on track and neat and tidy every single day and Diego Sr., Mark, Ismael, Albert, Santiago and team are true craftsmen who follow-up and make the most minuscule woodworking details perfect. The cabinets by Tim and electrical work and installation of fixtures by Kemchan Harrilal-BB and Navindra Doolratram, and Augustine and his crew on tile and stone work – all perfection. Aisling and the office crew were always responsive to our calls and requests. And of course Clark and Eric who oversaw everything and gave us the best of the best! Apologies if we didn’t get everyone on this list – you’re all great! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. We can’t thank you enough Innovative Construction – we kind of want to do it again!
Dave Hallman & Matt DeGraffenreid
Гардеробная в стиле ретро с фасадами любого цвета – фото дизайна интерьера

© 2017 Houzz
Пример оригинального дизайна: шкаф в нише среднего размера, унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, темным паркетным полом и коричневым полом
Пример оригинального дизайна: шкаф в нише среднего размера, унисекс в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, темным паркетным полом и коричневым полом