Фото: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик
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Cleverly designed, the pool house doubles as a shed and workshop on one side of the building. Raymond saved the shed doors from a job that he had gotten tearing down an old barn. The doors allow the entire front of the shed to open up, while their rustic finish carries on the aesthetic of the rest of the yard.
Jennifer's 1963 International Harvester is another great score, and seemed almost meant to be. Found on Ebay, the truck came to her after deals on other vehicles fell through. "All of a sudden this truck was for sale on Ebay, and it was on my street a few houses away; I couldn't believe it," says Jennifer. Although she was initially outbid for the truck, the day after the auction she was notified that the winner had forfeited the sale, "So I am the lucky owner of 'Harvey'", she says with a smile.
Photo: Adrienne DeRosa © 2014 Houzz

Planks faux wood garage doors in Dark Oak. Detached garage/barn style
На фото: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик
На фото: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик

Идея дизайна: большой отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик с мастерской

Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: маленький отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик с мастерской для на участке и в саду, двух машин

Planks faux wood garage doors in Dark Oak. Detached garage/barn style
Идея дизайна: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик
Идея дизайна: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик
Фото: отдельно стоящий гараж в стиле шебби-шик