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Cathie Hong Interiors
Cathie Hong Interiors
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 23 Смотреть профиль

Earthy Mackay House

This 1956 John Calder Mackay home had been poorly renovated in years past. We kept the 1400 sqft footprint of the home, but re-oriented and re-imagined the bland white kitchen to a midcentury olive green kitchen that opened up the sight lines to the wall of glass facing the rear yard. We chose materials that felt authentic and appropriate for the house: handmade glazed ceramics, bricks inspired by the California coast, natural white oaks heavy in grain, and honed marbles in complementary hues to the earth tones we peppered throughout the hard and soft finishes. This project was featured in the Wall Street Journal in April 2022.
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fiercegirl добавил(а) это в Bedrooms6 сентября 2024 г.

Rust and cream color palette