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Tile Direct Christchurch
Tile Direct Christchurch
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Concrete look tiled bathroom

Concrete-look tiles are hugely popular in homes these days. Here's an amazing example of a bathroom done perfectly in concrete-look tiles. Industry Grigio 30x60 was used on both the floor and walls with the matching feature mosaic on the showers back wall (Industry strip mosaic 17.2x60cm) The industry range is available in: Industry Bianco 60x60cm and 30x60cm Industry Grigio Flat 60x60cm and 30x60cm Industry Graphite 60x60cm and 30x60cm Also available are hexagon mosaics in all 3 colours or a mixture of all 3 (Bathroom picture courtesy of Southwark Apartments Christchurch)
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Claudine Van Kerckhove добавил(а) это в Claudine's Ideas23 января 2021 г.
