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Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большая параллельная универсальная комната в классическом стиле с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), фасадами в стиле шейкер, белыми фасадами, столешницей из кварцита, белыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, со стиральной машиной с сушилкой, бежевым полом и белой столешницей
Handmade Kitchen Co
Handmade Kitchen Co
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Classic In-Frame Shaker Beaded Front Frame Bootility - Cuffley

Sophisticated and elegant, this bootility is designed to keep the space organised and stylish to match the rest of the home. Keeping the laundry chores out of view, this space has been delicately hand-painted in School House White by F&B just like the kitchen and built in our classic in-frame shaker style. There’s an abundance of space to store every cleaning product you can think of! Further functions of the room include Bosch appliances at eye level, pull-out laundry basket drawers below, Misterio quartz worktops, a Shaws of Darwen sink and a Perrin & Rowe Ionian Tap with rinse and white porcelain levers. Something we particularly love about this design is the handcrafted bench storage. The closed cabinets keep items neatly out of sight behind our beautifully crafted doors, while the open shelves display the items you want close to hand. Our client has chosen to display their fresh linens here. Keeping the same elegance throughout the three rooms, Armac Martin Merrick and Cotswold handles are seen in this most luxurious bootility room.