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ZeroEnergy Design
ZeroEnergy Design
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Chatham Marshview House

CHATHAM MARSHVIEW HOUSE This Cape Cod green home provides a destination for visiting family, support of a snowbird lifestyle, and an expression of the homeowner’s energy conscious values. Looking over the salt marsh with Nantucket Sound in the distance, this new home offers single level living to accommodate aging in place, and a strong connection to the outdoors. The homeowners can easily enjoy the deck, walk to the nearby beach, or spend time with family, while the house works to produce nearly all the energy it consumes. The exterior, clad in the Cape’s iconic Eastern white cedar shingles, is modern in detailing, yet recognizable and familiar in form. MORE: https://zeroenergy.com/chatham-marshview-house Architecture: ZeroEnergy Design Construction: Eastward Homes Photos: Eric Roth Photography