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Conquest Fine Bespoke Furniture
Conquest Fine Bespoke Furniture
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 95 Смотреть профиль

Boot Room

This stylish boot room provided structure and organisation for our client’s outdoor gear. A floor to ceiling fitted cupboard is easy on the eye and tones seamlessly with the beautiful flagstone floor in this beautiful boot room. This cupboard conceals out of season bulky coats and shoes when they are not in daily use. We used the full height of the space with a floor to ceiling bespoke cupboard, which maximised the storage space and provided a streamlined look. The ‘grab and go’ style of open shelving and coat hooks means that you can easily access the things you need to go outdoors whilst keeping clutter to a minimum. The boots room’s built-in bench leaves plenty of space for essential wellington boots to be stowed underneath whilst providing ample seating to enable changing of footwear in comfort. The plentiful coat hooks allow space for coats, hats, bags and dog leads, and baskets can be placed on the overhead shelving to hide other essentials. The pegs allow coats to dry out properly after a wet walk.
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Neil Gander добавил(а) это в My ideas20 октября 2024 г.

Boot room