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Пример оригинального дизайна: прямая кухня-гостиная среднего размера в стиле лофт с накладной мойкой, черными фасадами, столешницей из меди, белым фартуком, черной техникой, бетонным полом и островом
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Berlin Studio Kitchen

The Berlin Studio Kitchen is an economic concept for a functional kitchen that combines an industrial look with the natural beauty and vividness of untreated copper. Standard container boxes serve perfectly as drawers. That way expensive mechanical drawer runners, lacquered fronts and handles become all unnecessary. The good thing about this of course: the saved money can be invested in a beautiful worktop and quality appliances. The kitchen body therefore becomes merely a shelve, filled with boxes which are made of recycled plastic material. For going shopping or the barbecue outside, one simply takes a box from the shelve. The copper worktop opposes the industrial and raw look of the kitchen body. It’s untreated surface is vivid, reacting in various colors to the influences of cooking and cleaning and thereby creating an atmosphere of warmth and natural ageing.
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Homies добавил(а) это в Tiny Kitchen Cabinetry14 декабря 2023 г.

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