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На фото: кухня-столовая среднего размера в современном стиле с белыми стенами и паркетным полом среднего тона без камина
Michelle Yorke Interior Design LLC
Michelle Yorke Interior Design LLC
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 27 Смотреть профиль

Bellevue Penthouse

Our Bellevue studio designed this stunning penthouse with a mix of wood tones, metal finishes, natural stones, and fabrics with beautiful patterns. Soft, comfortable furnishings and thoughtful decor create a warm, welcoming ambiance just like the clients wanted. We curated a beautiful art collection throughout the home by mixing the client's cherished pieces with some new favorites. Elegant furnishings in soft pastel colors add a pop of cheer to the kitchen area. Thoughtful decor that blends with the overall aesthetics of the home creates a balanced, relaxed atmosphere in this beautiful home.
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kcebull добавил(а) это в Remodel31 декабря 2022 г.

Wood tones