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Metropolis Drafting and Construction Inc
Metropolis Drafting and Construction Inc
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 69 Смотреть профиль

Beach bungalow remodeling in Venice Beach

Updating of this Venice Beach bungalow home was a real treat. Timing was everything here since it was supposed to go on the market in 30day. (It took us 35days in total for a complete remodel). The corner lot has a great front "beach bum" deck that was completely refinished and fenced for semi-private feel. The entire house received a good refreshing paint including a new accent wall in the living room. The kitchen was completely redo in a Modern vibe meets classical farmhouse with the labyrinth backsplash and reclaimed wood floating shelves. Notice also the rugged concrete look quartz countertop. A small new powder room was created from an old closet space, funky street art walls tiles and the gold fixtures with a blue vanity once again are a perfect example of modern meets farmhouse.