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Баня и сауна среднего размера – фото дизайна интерьера

Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Serene Sauna
Serene Sauna
Change Your Bathroom©Change Your Bathroom©
This transformation started with a builder grade bathroom and was expanded into a sauna wet room. With cedar walls and ceiling and a custom cedar bench, the sauna heats the space for a relaxing dry heat experience. The goal of this space was to create a sauna in the secondary bathroom and be as efficient as possible with the space. This bathroom transformed from a standard secondary bathroom to a ergonomic spa without impacting the functionality of the bedroom. This project was super fun, we were working inside of a guest bedroom, to create a functional, yet expansive bathroom. We started with a standard bathroom layout and by building out into the large guest bedroom that was used as an office, we were able to create enough square footage in the bathroom without detracting from the bedroom aesthetics or function. We worked with the client on her specific requests and put all of the materials into a 3D design to visualize the new space. Houzz Write Up: https://www.houzz.com/magazine/bathroom-of-the-week-stylish-spa-retreat-with-a-real-sauna-stsetivw-vs~168139419 The layout of the bathroom needed to change to incorporate the larger wet room/sauna. By expanding the room slightly it gave us the needed space to relocate the toilet, the vanity and the entrance to the bathroom allowing for the wet room to have the full length of the new space. This bathroom includes a cedar sauna room that is incorporated inside of the shower, the custom cedar bench follows the curvature of the room's new layout and a window was added to allow the natural sunlight to come in from the bedroom. The aromatic properties of the cedar are delightful whether it's being used with the dry sauna heat and also when the shower is steaming the space. In the shower are matching porcelain, marble-look tiles, with architectural texture on the shower walls contrasting with the warm, smooth cedar boards. Also, by increasing the depth of the toilet wall, we were able to create useful towel storage without detracting from the room significantly. This entire project and client was a joy to work with.
Boats, Bars and Cape Cod Basements
Boats, Bars and Cape Cod Basements
Sand Dollar CustomsSand Dollar Customs
Lauren Clough Photography
Стильный дизайн: баня и сауна среднего размера в морском стиле с душем в нише, серыми стенами, полом из винила, коричневым полом и душем с распашными дверями - последний тренд
Newport Waterfront
Newport Waterfront
Blackband DesignBlackband Design
Идея дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в морском стиле с белыми стенами
Canonsburg Bathroom Sauna Suite
Canonsburg Bathroom Sauna Suite
Warm Timber Saunas & Wine CellarsWarm Timber Saunas & Wine Cellars
Bright country style lower level bathroom complements the rustic Finnish sauna.
Свежая идея для дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в скандинавском стиле - отличное фото интерьера
Modern City Home Remodel
Modern City Home Remodel
Groupe DPSD IncGroupe DPSD Inc
Идея дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в стиле модернизм с душем в нише, белой плиткой, серыми стенами, темным паркетным полом, черным полом и душем с распашными дверями
Ferndale Remodel
Ferndale Remodel
Linda Oyama Bryan
Пример оригинального дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в современном стиле с душевой комнатой, белой плиткой, керамической плиткой, серыми стенами и паркетным полом среднего тона
Camas - Basement Renovation
Camas - Basement Renovation
Renovation ArtistryRenovation Artistry
Basement Renovation Photos: Rebecca Zurstadt-Peterson
Свежая идея для дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в классическом стиле с фасадами в стиле шейкер, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, унитазом-моноблоком, серой плиткой, каменной плиткой, бежевыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, врезной раковиной и столешницей из гранита - отличное фото интерьера
Kachina Village Kitchen & Bath Remodel
Kachina Village Kitchen & Bath Remodel
Het Hout InteriorsHet Hout Interiors
На фото: баня и сауна среднего размера в скандинавском стиле с фасадами в стиле шейкер, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, душевой комнатой, унитазом-моноблоком, белой плиткой, керамической плиткой, белыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, накладной раковиной, столешницей из искусственного кварца, черным полом, душем с распашными дверями, черной столешницей, тумбой под одну раковину и подвесной тумбой
Serene Sauna
Serene Sauna
Change Your Bathroom©Change Your Bathroom©
This transformation started with a builder grade bathroom and was expanded into a sauna wet room. With cedar walls and ceiling and a custom cedar bench, the sauna heats the space for a relaxing dry heat experience. The goal of this space was to create a sauna in the secondary bathroom and be as efficient as possible with the space. This bathroom transformed from a standard secondary bathroom to a ergonomic spa without impacting the functionality of the bedroom. This project was super fun, we were working inside of a guest bedroom, to create a functional, yet expansive bathroom. We started with a standard bathroom layout and by building out into the large guest bedroom that was used as an office, we were able to create enough square footage in the bathroom without detracting from the bedroom aesthetics or function. We worked with the client on her specific requests and put all of the materials into a 3D design to visualize the new space. Houzz Write Up: https://www.houzz.com/magazine/bathroom-of-the-week-stylish-spa-retreat-with-a-real-sauna-stsetivw-vs~168139419 The layout of the bathroom needed to change to incorporate the larger wet room/sauna. By expanding the room slightly it gave us the needed space to relocate the toilet, the vanity and the entrance to the bathroom allowing for the wet room to have the full length of the new space. This bathroom includes a cedar sauna room that is incorporated inside of the shower, the custom cedar bench follows the curvature of the room's new layout and a window was added to allow the natural sunlight to come in from the bedroom. The aromatic properties of the cedar are delightful whether it's being used with the dry sauna heat and also when the shower is steaming the space. In the shower are matching porcelain, marble-look tiles, with architectural texture on the shower walls contrasting with the warm, smooth cedar boards. Also, by increasing the depth of the toilet wall, we were able to create useful towel storage without detracting from the room significantly. This entire project and client was a joy to work with.
Guest bathroom steam shower with marble bench.
Идея дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в стиле ретро с плоскими фасадами, темными деревянными фасадами, душем в нише, унитазом-моноблоком, белой плиткой, белыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, врезной раковиной, мраморной столешницей, синим полом, душем с распашными дверями, белой столешницей, сиденьем для душа, тумбой под одну раковину и подвесной тумбой
South Surrey Ocean View Residence
South Surrey Ocean View Residence
SC MorganSC Morgan
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: баня и сауна среднего размера в современном стиле с открытыми фасадами, темными деревянными фасадами, душем в нише, раздельным унитазом, серыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, настольной раковиной, столешницей из искусственного кварца, черным полом и душем с распашными дверями
Contracting By Us IncContracting By Us Inc
На фото: баня и сауна среднего размера в стиле кантри с бежевыми стенами с
Conifer Steam Shower
Conifer Steam Shower
Kreative Kitchens & BathsKreative Kitchens & Baths
Travertine and glass/stone decorative tile used in this Mountain Home. Includes a steam shower and t.v. and walk-in closet
Свежая идея для дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, накладной ванной, раздельным унитазом, бежевой плиткой, бежевыми стенами, полом из керамической плитки, врезной раковиной, столешницей из гранита, угловым душем, плиткой из травертина и душем с распашными дверями - отличное фото интерьера
Canonsburg Bathroom Sauna Suite
Canonsburg Bathroom Sauna Suite
Warm Timber Saunas & Wine CellarsWarm Timber Saunas & Wine Cellars
Clients used pastel shaded ship lathe and simple white casings to accent cedar sauna door.
На фото: баня и сауна среднего размера в скандинавском стиле с
Modernisierung und Erweiterung Wohnhaus
Modernisierung und Erweiterung Wohnhaus
Krauss . GestaltetKrauss . Gestaltet
Birgitt Schlauderer
На фото: баня и сауна среднего размера в современном стиле с отдельно стоящей ванной, белыми стенами, бетонным полом и серым полом
Basement Sauna
Basement Sauna
FBC RemodelFBC Remodel
©Finished Basement Company
Пример оригинального дизайна: баня и сауна среднего размера в стиле рустика
Small Master Bath Project
Small Master Bath Project
LDS InteriorsLDS Interiors
My clients had a small master bath but a fairly large master bedroom. there was wasted space right outside of the bathroom. I suggested bumping out the bathroom by 4 ft. That provided a lot more room inside to put a full size vanity with lots of storage space.. I was also able to add a linen closet inside the bedroom.
Camas - Basement Renovation
Camas - Basement Renovation
Renovation ArtistryRenovation Artistry
Basement Renovation Photos: Rebecca Zurstadt-Peterson
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: баня и сауна среднего размера в классическом стиле с фасадами в стиле шейкер, фасадами цвета дерева среднего тона, унитазом-моноблоком, серой плиткой, каменной плиткой, бежевыми стенами, полом из керамогранита, врезной раковиной и столешницей из гранита
'19 New Home - Blaine, MN
'19 New Home - Blaine, MN
Lecy Bros Homes & RemodelingLecy Bros Homes & Remodeling
bathroom with sauna
Стильный дизайн: баня и сауна среднего размера с открытым душем, белой плиткой, керамической плиткой, полом из керамической плитки, черным полом, душем с распашными дверями и сиденьем для душа - последний тренд

Баня и сауна среднего размера – фото дизайна интерьера