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На фото: большая открытая гостиная комната в стиле фьюжн с с книжными шкафами и полками, белыми стенами, ковровым покрытием, бежевым полом и стенами из вагонки с
Kathy Kuo Designs Inc
Kathy Kuo Designs Inc
Средний рейтинг: 2.7 из 5 звездОтзывов: 7 Смотреть профиль

A+E Networks

We were inspired by the beautiful blend that results when you pair together vintage with industrial. The exposed ceiling gave the space a naturally-industrial feel, so we played off of the aesthetic by selecting very modern chandeliers. You’ll notice that these chandeliers, along with the rugs, mark each quadrant as part of a definitive whole. To add warmth to a space, nothing does it better than vintage! We chose a leather sofa with antique brass nailheads and buttery red and brown tones that add a touch of coziness to the workspace. You’ll also find hints of our Global Bazaar collection in this quadrant, bringing diversity and unique textiles to the look.