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Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: п-образная кухня-гостиная среднего размера в стиле кантри с плоскими фасадами, белыми фасадами, мраморной столешницей, коричневым фартуком, фартуком из каменной плитки, белой техникой, островом и коричневой столешницей

A Cotswold's Arts & Crafts Farm

Originally part of the Woodchester Park Estate, Woodchester Park is famous for its main house, Woodchester Mansion. The Mansion is one of England’s finest examples of an early Arts and Craft and Gothic Revival House and features the work of a number of celebrated 19th Century academics and architects. The house and outbuildings that house the clients studios were originally part of the model home farm. Run-down, asset stripped and sanitised, it was sensitively refurbished with a design that gives a distinct nod to their original use.