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Homeowner Services of Michigan LLC
Homeowner Services of Michigan LLC
Средний рейтинг: 4.4 из 5 звездОтзывов: 7 Смотреть профиль

3-Season's Room with Security Screens Deck Addition

Our client loved their existing deck and used it whenever they could. Unfortunately, summer heat and pesky insects often cut their deck time short. We knew just what to do. With an outstanding design by Scott McElrath and Dangerous Architects, we rebuilt their deck's old substructure with all-new Wolmonized wood and weather-resistant fasteners. We resurfaced the deck with AKEK composite decking material, a new Westbury aluminum railing system with locking gates, built a new gabled roof -tying into the existing roof, and enclosed it with CRIMSAFE security screens. The new screened-in deck area features a vaulted stained cedar ceiling, ceiling fan, and locking screen security door. Now, our clients enjoy their safe, comfortable, bug-free outdoor deck environment any time of