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De Meza + Architecture
De Meza + Architecture
Средний рейтинг: 4.6 из 5 звездОтзывов: 14 Смотреть профиль

2010 Decorator Showcase

Taking the elements of the traditional 1929 bathroom as a spring board, this bathroom’s design asserts that modern interiors can live beautifully within a conventional backdrop. While paying homage to the work-a-day bathroom, the finished room successfully combines modern sophistication and whimsy. The familiar black and white tile clad bathroom was re-envisioned utilizing a custom mosaic tile, updated fixtures and fittings, an unexpected color palette, state of the art light fixtures and bold modern art. The original dressing area closets, given a face lift with new finish and hardware, were the inspiration for the new custom vanity - modern in concept, but incorporating the grid detail found in the original casework.

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Елена Амбросимова добавил(а) это в Прячем с умом: Где найти место для хранения вещей, если его нет24 ноября 2015 г.

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mariaslaymaker добавил(а) это в Bathing5 дней назад
